August 2024 Minutes
Mrs Val Austin, Clerk, Wyberton Community Centre, 295 London Road, Wyberton, PE21 7DE
Telephone: 01205 351450
Minutes taken by The Clerk Mrs Val Austin, for the Parish Council meeting at Wyberton Parish Council, which was held on Wednesday 14th August 2024 at 7pm at Wyberton Community Centre
(These minutes will be checked at the next meeting before the council amends/approves them as a correct record)
Present: Cllr Mike Sharp (Chair), Cllr David Williams (Vice Chair) Cllr Richard Austin, Cllr Steve Slater,
Cllr Maxine Stones (arrived 19:05pm) and the Clerk Val Austin.
5 members of the public were also present.
The meeting was called to order at 19:00pm
1. Chairman to open the meeting. Good evening to you all, and welcome to our visitors.
2. Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting
• Cllr Jason Stevenson – Prior Job Commitment
3. Public Forum: To resolve to suspend the meeting for a maximum of 10 minutes to allow members of the public to ask questions or make short statements to the council
Start of public forum – 19:01pm:
• A resident from Clarke Court mentioned the ongoing problems with the netting and the balls and the damage caused. The resident has mentioned they have photo proof of the damage.
• Cllr Mike Sharp mentioned that the Parish Council have been in touch with Wyberton Sports and Social Club and it could be a long process, but we will get in touch when the Parish council know more.
• A second and third resident wish to be put forward to become a councillor. One resident has already sent in their application form. The clerk to send the other resident the application form.
• Cllr Mike Sharp explained the procedure to becoming a councillor.
End of public forum – 19:07pm:
4. Declarations of interest (if any): To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests – None
5. Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 10th July 2024- To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes.
• With an amendment to item 5, the councillors all agreed for Cllr Mike Sharp to sign the amendment.
• All councillors resolved for Cllr Mike Sharp to sign the minutes.
6. Lincolnshire County and Boston Borough Councillors
i. Cllr Mrs Alison Austin: - See Appendix B below.
ii. Cllr Mr Richard Austin.
• Mentioned Home Energy Grants which are available
• Cllr Richard Austin suggested the item to go in the upcoming newsletter.
• Cllr Richard Austin asked if the clerk could contact Jakeman’s Studium to find a contact number, due to a message being played for over an hour on the 9th June 24, The Clerk to deal.
iii. Cllr Chris Mountain – No report received
7. Clerks Report – Ongoing issues
a) Wyberts Play Park
• See Item 9:1
• The bin to be transferred to Wyberts Play Park– The clerk has been in contact with BBC and have chased them up, waiting for a reply.
• Cllr Steve Slater mentioned that the slabs have already been installed.
b) Footway Lighting – Update
• The clerk finally found who was responsible at BBC at the loans department and a zoom meeting is scheduled for the 22nd August 2024.
c) Business Rates Relief – Beacon Church
• Beacon Church needs to complete a form for the exception of rates at the community centre - Ongoing
d) Kings Portrait Installation and new lights
• The electrician has removed the light from the wall, not able to put a picture light in at present as this would mean channelling wires.
• The portrait has now been installed in the meeting room.
e) Electrician for works in hall
• The electrician has come and completed the work in the carpark and in the main hall, the lights are now LED.
f) Electrician works – Quotes.
• While the electrician was at the community centre, the clerk asked for a quote for the lights in the meeting room to be changed to LED and the lights in the main hallway to be changed to LED.
• The electrician also covers heating, the clerk asked for a quote for new heaters in the meeting room and Prince George Suite which should be more cost effective. Waiting for the quotes to come through, ongoing.
g) Clarke Court complaints with Wyberton Sports and Social Club.
• The clerk has written to the Wyberton Sports and Social club with the concerns of Clarke Court.
• Received a message on 6th August from Wyberton Sports and Social Club, they will be a calling a meeting next week to discuss this issue.
• They advised that the abuse is also being directed from Clarke Court to the children playing.
• They will come back to the parish council when they have an update.
• Cllr Mike Sharp explained that the Parish council have written to Wyberton Sports and Social Club and we have no further information from the last time.
h) Lawn Mower replacement bag
• The clerk has received an email stating the bag has come in from the manufacture, email sent to councillors, all agreed to purchase the bag. The bag has been delivered and payment made. The warden to fit the bag to the mower.
• Cllr Steve Slater advised that he told the warden to the mower and bag to Chris Sellers to get them to fit the bag.
• The clerk to check if the bag has been fitted.
i) Letter to Residents for overgrowth
• The clerk, with the input from councillors has raised a letter to the residents.
• To confirm with Cllr Steve Slater on the process of how the letters are going to be issued.
• Cllr Richard Austin suggested that Cllr Steve Slater be the lead councillor on this project.
j) Speeding and traffic volumes, West End Road
• The clerk has been in contact with Lincolnshire County Council regarding speeding, awaiting a reply. Ongoing.
• The clerk had emailed the councillors the response from Cllr Alison Austin and Highways LCC before the meeting.
• All speeds along West End Road are correct for their locations, there is specific conditions relating to speed limits.
• To the best of their knowledge there is no official record of any accidents on West End Road where the current speed limit is 40 mph.
• Speed enforcement is a police matter and not Lincolnshire Highways.
k) Speed Indicator Devices
• The clerk has sent to councillors the prices of Elan City speed devices.
• Once decided by councillors if this is the way they want to go, the clerk will contact the Road Safety Partnership for further advice.
• Cllr Richard Austin advised that the Road Safety Partnership can supply the road signs for speed limits.
• Cllr Steve Slater, would rather spend the precept on a speed indicator device as he feels it is money well spent, and the parish to do something about it.
• Cllr Mike Sharp has asked Cllr Steve Slater to find more volunteers for the project and the item to go back on the next agenda.
l) From the Community Centre and Events meeting,
• The clerk to update the website for YMCA - Information incorrect.
• A Facebook page to be set up for the Community Centre – Cllr Jason Stevenson and the Clerk dealing.
• Possible, Office space to rent out, i.e. The meeting room or PGS
• Councillors to look into Community Funding
m) Love Your Neighbourhood Entry for Best Kept Village
The clerk received notification that unfortunately on this occasion, Wyberton did not win the best kept village entry.
n) Good Things Foundation
• The clerk has registered Wyberton Parish Council details, but as yet there is no availability for SIMS and equipment in this area at present.
• The good things foundation will contact the Clerk when the next round of SIMS is due to be distributed.
8. Councillors update on previous agenda items
a) Newsletter – Cllr Steve Slater / Cllr David Williams
i. The Autumn Edition when is this going to be due?
• Cllr Steve Slater mentioned it will be October time for the next edition of the newsletter. The deadline for submissions will be 15th September 2024.
ii. Should the distribution go through the parish office?
• Cllr Steve Slater mentioned that the distribution was fine and does not require the parish office to deal with it.
iii. The official Logo of Wyberton Parish council should be used
• No comment was made.
iv. Should the next edition be in colour instead of black and white?
• Cllr Steve Slater mentioned that another village newsletter is in black and white, and it does not have any issues.
v. Need more copies of the magazine for the community centre, and for residents at neighbouring villages.
• All Councillors agreed that 2500-3000 copies be printed for the next issue.
b) Crest update – All Councillors
Councillors to decide on what they would like to see on a crest for Wyberton.
And where the crest should be positioned in the village.
• Cllr Steve Slater mentioned that he did a poll on Facebook asking what residents would like to see on the crest.
• Popular suggestions, Jenny’s Wood, Owl House, Pincushion Pub, St Leodegar Church, and football lights from the football studium.
• Update at next meeting.
c) Charity Commission Information. – Cllr Mike Sharp
Cllr Mike Sharp to find out if Wyberton United Charities has a new Governing document, before inviting the trustees to an informal meeting. – No further update
d) Bank signatories and debit card – Update – Cllr Mike Sharp
Cllr Mike Sharp to set up new signatories for the bank with the councillors
Cllr Mike Sharp to set up the debit card for the clerk
Cllr Mike Sharp to deal.
e) War Memorial – Parthian Avenue – Cllr Steve Slater
Cllr Steve Slater has not looked into this item at present, to take off agenda until something to report.
f) Parcel Pick Up points – Cllr David Williams
• Tesco Lockers are In-post and not Amazon
• Amazon parcels at the Coop for Drop off not collection
• The Amazon website pinpoints where the locations are and this will be a good way to get people to be aware of the community centre’s location.
• Cllr David Williams explained the requirements etc to full council.
• Cllr Mike Sharp has asked for the costs to the Parish Council.
9. Councillors to discuss & resolve the following items:
9.1 – Residents Complaint regarding Wyberts Play Park
To discuss and resolve: The clerk has been in contact with Kompan with regards to the issues the resident brought up at the last meeting.
• Remove the flag at the top of the tower and remove the roof, to stop children from climbing up on top, will reduce the height of the tower. This will be a cost to the parish council
• Installing CCTV signs to help with the teen problem
• The tower over time should reduce in size by shrinking into the ground.
• Installing more accessible equipment (roundabout) would cost £20k.
• The roundabout will not be in the actual playpark as there is not enough space to accommodate, as new footpaths, fencing and wet-pour is required. The equipment would need to sit flush with the ground. The equipment will be nearer the road, as they cannot instal by the dip in the ground.
• The play park is in the ideal position, as agreed on the first meeting with the councillors and Kompan. If the park was to be placed further from the original position it would again be by the main road, due to the dip in the ground.
• Placing shrubs around the perimeter of the fencing near the residents’ properties will help with privacy with the residents.
• Providing a contribution towards the cost of the fence to the resident.
• After discussions the councillors agreed for Cllr Richard Austin to speak to the resident regarding the hedge that the resident has already in place.
• All councillors agreed that the parish council is not in a position at present to fund extra accessible equipment for the play park.
• Cllr Steve Slater mentioned that he visits the park most days, and is pleasantly surprised how tidy the park is kept. 95% - 98% of the time the rubbish is put in the bins provided.
• Further update at the next meeting.
9.2 – Letter of Thanks to a resident – Cllr Steve Slater
Cllr Steve Slater would like a letter of Thanks to be sent to the resident that cuts the grass in the Churchyard.
• All councillors agreed for the Clerk to issue a letter of thanks.
9.3 – Blue Plaque – Cllr Steve Slater
Cllr Steve Slater has had a request from a resident about a blue plaque being installed on the property of the Dentist in Wyberton for Dickie Dale, Grand Prix motorcyclist.
• An official blue plaque can only be issued by Historic England
• The nominations from the public are now closed until Spring 2025
• An unofficial blue plaque, can be purchased from Getting personal /Not on the Highstreet.
• See Appendix A
• Cllr Mike Sharp mentioned William Webster, who was also a resident of Wyberton.
• Cllr Mike Sharp has asked Cllr Steve Slater to speak to the dentist about the property having a blue plaque on the premises.
• Update at next meeting.
9.4 – Bin outside London Road – Cllr Richard Austin
Cllr Richard Austin, received a request from a resident regarding the bin outside London Road, being moved to another location as the bin is positioned outside the gate of the resident’s property.
The cost to move the bin by the Parish Council is £127.38 VAT.
• All Councillors agreed for the Parish council to fund the move.
• Once the invoice has been received by the borough council, the clerk will issue an invoice to the home owner as agreed.
9.5 – New Signage out the front of the Community Centre
New signage is required at the front and the front wall of the community centre with the new Wyberton logo.
• Cllr Mike Sharp to look into, update at next meeting.
10: Finance
10.1: Approve Payments of Accounts
Approve Payments of Accounts
• All councillors resolved for Cllr Mike Sharp to sign the payment list
• Payments to be made August 2024 - £10,974.17
• Payments made in between meetings. - £746.53
• Receipts received from 11th July 2024 to 14th August 2024 - £17,274.80
10.2: Bank statements – To be shown at the meeting as at 14th August 2024
• Treasures Balance £41,744.01
• Business Bank Insta £3,526.55
11: Planning matters: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the Borough Council – The parish clerk has delegated authority to respond to planning applications, in consultation with the councillors via email.
To include those received between the day of posting this notice and the day of the meeting
None received.
12: Next Meeting: Wednesday 11th September 2024 – at 7pm
With no other matters the meeting closed at 20:47pm
Agenda item 9:3 – Appendix A
An official blue plaque can only be issued by the Historic England, the nominations for the public is now closed and will not be opened again until the Spring of 2025, the name of the nominated public figure will go before the panel and a decision is made if the plaque is considered of interest to the panel.
The other way to get a plaque, is to go unofficial and purchase a blue plaque from Getting personal or Not on the high street, the plaque from Not on the Street costing – This is a cost of approx. £14.99 for plaque, postage approx. £3.99
Item 6 – I – Appendix B
Report for Wyberton Parish Council - August 2024
There have been no meetings at Lincolnshire County Council since the end of July although I continue to work with individual residents.
There has only been one new issue relating to Wyberton; that is possible speeding along West End Road and concern about the need to reduce the speed limit.
In this case, there is already a 40mph limit outside the two “built up sections”. That part of the road does NOT qualify for 30 mph. I discussed this with the local Highways officer.
He informs us that there are specific requirements for there to be a 30-mph limit, which are not met on that part of West End Road.
Several years ago, we got the “red” tarmac areas where there was a definite need to bring the matter of speeding to the attention of motorists.
The recommendation is now for Wyberton Parish Council to take matters in their own hands.
They are advised to purchase reactive speed warning signs and erect them at appropriate points along the stretch of the road there is thought to be speeding.
These are the yellow signs that can be affixed to suitable lamp posts and that flash when a speeding vehicle passes through them. They can be obtained from the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership. I believe that Wyberton Parish Council has had previous engagement with this organisation.
Most Parish Council members will have seen the flashing signs elsewhere in the County.
FYI, The “Comms” team at LCC have just been in contact with me this morning regarding the “latest” of my light-controlled crossings – namely the one currently under construction on London Road near the Pincushion.
This was something that was deemed necessary after the planning application for the Co-op, which had been approved “on appeal” a few years ago.
Many items cross Parish Boundaries, as in fact the crossing from the Alban Retail Park (which is in St Thomas Ward) and Downtown (which is in Wyberton).
I had a similar situation with the footway along Chainbridge Road, but my LCC Division crosses several parish boundaries.
I treat items that I do for individual residents as confidential and do not include them in a report like this.
Please continue to contact me via my LCC email;