February 2024 Minutes

Mrs Val Austin, Clerk, Wyberton Community Centre, 295 London Road, Wyberton, PE21 7DE
Telephone: 01205 351450
Email: clerk@wyberton-pc.gov.uk

Minutes taken by The Clerk Mrs Val Austin, for the Parish Council meeting at Wyberton Parish Council, which was held on Wednesday 14th February 2024 at 7pm in Wyberton Community Centre 
(These minutes will be checked at the next meeting before the council amends/approves them as a correct record)

Present: Cllr Mike Sharp (Chair), Cllr Jason Stevenson (Vice Chair), Cllr Richard Austin, Cllr Steve Slater, Cllr David Williams and the Clerk Val Austin. 

The meeting was called to order at 19:00pm

The meeting was suspended for the public forum at 19:03pm

Public forum closed at 19:06pm

1.    Chairman to open meeting: Good Evening and welcome to you all. 

2.    Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting:  

•    Cllr Hev Ainsworth – Illness.
•    Cllr Maxine Stones – Family commitment 

3.    Public Forum: To resolve to suspend the meeting for a maximum of 10 minutes to allow members of the public to ask questions or make short statements to the council.

•    Two members of the public were present. 
•    One member of the public discussed the Asset of Community Value for Collingwood Crescent which was applied for in February 2023 and had not received a reply from Boston Borough Council. 
•    The councillors agreed for the clerk to resend the information to Boston Borough Council. 

4.    Declarations of interest (if any): To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests: 

•    No interests declared 

5.    Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 10th January 2024- To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes. 

•    Cllr Richard Austin proposed and Cllr Steve Slater seconded for Cllr Mike Sharp to sign the minutes. 

6.    Lincolnshire County and Boston Borough Councillors – Reports to be sent to The Clerk prior to the meeting. 

a)    Cllr Mrs Alison Austin:   

•    Cllr Alison Austin sent her apologises. Notes read out by Cllr Richard Austin. 

London Road Crossing coming soon, highways will do a speed limit check after the installation of crossing. 

•    A reminder to continue to use Fixmystreet for potholes, etc.
•    Councillors concerned about speeding and speed limits especially along A52 junction by Fen Road. A review of the whole section required. 
•    The clerk to contact Cllr Alison Austin.

b)    Cllr Mr Richard Austin:

•    Concerned with the new dwellings, which will have an effect on Tytton Lane East, Marsh Lane Exit, there is no footpath, cycle lane, or bus routes, there should be a study done with highways. 
•    The clerk to contact Cllr Alison Austin 

c)    Cllr Mr Chris Mountain: 

•    Not present, no report received

7.    Update on Items from previous items: 

7.1 -    LHP Land Parthian Avenue Village Green / Play Area – Ongoing – 

7.1.1 – The clerk has been in contact with Chatterton’s and the transfer of the licence and title documents has gone through with LHP. 

7.1.2.     The planning application for the land has been approved.     

7.1.3.    The clerk has been in contact with Kompan, the order has been placed. Awaiting a date for the contractor to start the installation process. 

•    Councillor Richard Austin, has requested an update for the next meeting.

7.2.    Footway Lighting – Update - Cllr Richard Austin

•    Footway lighting remain the property of Boston Borough Council
•    Wyberton parish council own outright 27 lights. The clerk to confirm with BCC
•    Cllr Mike Sharp mentioned the lights along the A52, these should be BCC and not Parish Council responsibility, the clerk to contact Cllr Alison Austin.
•    All Councillors agreed to each take a section, to be advised by the Clerk and report back to the clerk for an update at the next meeting.  

7.3.     Website – Update – Cllr Jason Stevenson to update on progress 

•    DNA have had problems with the server issues, this has now been completed
•    Cllr Jason Stevenson and Cllr Hev Ainsworth to start entering information on the new website. 
•    The website should be going LIVE in April 

7.4.    Wyberton Parish Gates – Cllr Mike Sharp – Update 

From the January 2024 meeting, Cllr Mike Sharp has covered up the name of Wyberton with new laminates as instructed by LCC highways. 

•    Cllr Mike Sharp mentioned that Wyberton PC have complied with the instructions from highways. 
•    Councillors agreed that there is nothing more to do and this has now been resolved.

7.5.    Speeding – The clerk has been in contact with LCC highways and with Cllr Alison Austin, with regards to speeding issues. 

Cllr Alison Austin has advised on West End Road as follows:

West End Road has a speed limit of 40mph which is all that can be expected on an unclassified road. Many speed surveys have been carried out along this road, and at the top end of West End Road by the Chain Bridge, this has been reduced to 30mph. 

London Road, Cllr Alison Austin mentioned the speed limit of 40mph from the start of Wyberton coming North until approx. Woodside, when it reduces to 30mph. The clerk mentioned that coming from Kirton into Wyberton there is speeding along this stretch of road. Waiting for an update. 

•    Please refer to Item 6-A
•    Councillors discussed having a speed indicator device, which checks the speeds of motorists. The clerk to find out costings for the device. To report back in next meeting.

7.6.    Newsletter – Cllr Steve Slater – Update

•    Cllr Steve Slater has advised that the first edition will be March 2024
•    Requested information from the clerk and councillors 
•    Can get the newsletter sponsored, and that will not have an impact into our budget. 

7.7.    Nomination – Letter of Thanks – The clerk has given the letters to Cllr Steve Slater on 5th    February 2024 – 

•    Cllr Steve Slater has suggested two more people to be nominated for a letter of thanks. 
•    Councillors agreed to the suggestion.
•    Cllr Slater to send the names to the clerk to action the letters.

7.8.    Community Centre Road sign – The Clerk sent a picture to the councillors to advise of the change of sign. 

•    This item has now been resolved

7.9.    Community Plaque – Cllr Steve Slater has taken the plaque for installation on the 5th February 2024

•    Cllr Mike Sharp Thanked Cllr Steve Slater for organising the installation of the plaque. 
•    Cllr Steve Slater mentioned having one of the benches next to the plaque at Winters Way. Cllr Mike Sharp advised that the bench would need to be secure and fixed in with concrete. 
•    Cllr Steve Slater is waiting for dryer weather before installing the bench.

7.10.     Annual Parish Meeting – Cllr Jason Stevenson Update 

•    Cllr Jason Stevenson advised the date as Wednesday 17th April 2024, to arrive from 6pm for start at 6:30pm
•    The event will have small groups show casing their groups
•    The flyer has been designed and will send the invoice to the clerk for payment.

7.11.    CCTV Camera’s (Original Quote) – The clerk has received an installation date of March 2024. 

•    Update the installation will be 20th and 21st February 2024 
•    This is now resolved 

7.12.    Devolution Plans – To note: Boston Borough Council have rejected the proposal, please see the link below for your information. does anyone have any feedback? 

•    This is now resolved 

7.13.    Woodside Grass Cutting – Update – Cllr M Sharp. 

•    Cllr Mike Sharp advised that after talking to Cllr Richard Austin, the letters were not sent out to residents. 
•    All Councillors resolved for Wyberton parish council to continue to cut the grass at Woodside.

7.14.    Update on chairs in Community Centre – The clerk purchased new feet for the chairs, the caretaker has replaced the damaged feet on all chairs. This should stop the scratching of the floor. 

•    This is now resolved 

7.15.    Update on the Crest – Cllr Jason Stevenson – See below Annex B 

•    Cllr Jason Stevenson showed the councillors the crest design. After much discussion it was agreed that Cllr Mike Sharp will speak to the school to see what the children would like on the crest. 
•    Update when something to report. 

8:    Councillors to discuss & resolve the following items:    

8.1     Good Things Foundation – Cllr Jason Stevenson

A link is www.goodthingsfoundation.org/what-we-do/

•    After discussions, the councillors agreed they required further information.
•    To be put forward to the March 2024 agenda.

8.2.    To adopt The Social - Media Policy - See below Annex A 

•    With a show of hands, the councillors voted as follows:
•    3 in favour of the policy 

1 against the policy 
1 abstained 

9:    Finance

9.1:    Approve Payments of Accounts

•    All councillors resolved for Cllr Mike Sharp to sign the payment list.
•    Payments to be made February 2024 - £ 10,020.10
•    Payments made in between meetings - £982.80
•    Receipts received from 11th January to 14th February - £2,764.50

9.2:    Bank statements – Dated 14th February 2024 

    Treasures Balance £9,562.84
    Business Bank Insta £84,245.08

10:    Planning matters: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the Borough Council – The parish clerk has delegated authority to respond to planning applications, in consultation with the councillors via email. 

To include those received between the day of posting this notice and the day of the meeting

B/23/0330 – Additional Outside Seating Area - Pictures of the area were supplied, forwarded to Cllrs.  on 29th January 2024 – Received no further objections. 

B/24/0048 – Field Drive Five House Lane – To send comments back to BBC regarding the narrow road that will need consideration. 
Next Meeting: Wednesday 13th March 2024 – at 7pm

Members of the public left the meeting at 21:00pm

With no other matters the meeting closed at 21:02pm