November 2024 DRAFT Minutes

Minutes taken by The Clerk Mrs Val Austin, 
for the Parish Council meeting at Wyberton Parish Council, which was held on 
Wednesday 13th November 2024 at 7pm at Wyberton Community Centre 
(These minutes will be checked at the next meeting before the council amends/approves them as a correct record)

Present: Cllr David Williams (Acting Chair) Cllr Richard Austin, Cllr Caryn Sheldrake, Cllr Jason Stevenson, and the Clerk Val Austin. 

5 members of the public were also present, including James Payling and Mick Cox from the Sports and Social Club and Playing Field. 

Cllr Chris Mountain was also present.

The meeting was called to order at 19:00pm

1.    Chairman to open the meeting:  
As mentioned by the clerk in an email, Cllr Steve Slater has resigned from the Parish Council, we wish Steve well in the future.
Cllr David Williams welcomed everyone for attending. We are quorate thank goodness, and my first time in the chair as acting chair for this meeting.   

2.    Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting. 
•    Cllr Mike Sharp – Prior Appointment
•    Cllr Allan Fryer – Prior Appointment
•    Cllr Maxine Stones – Prior Appointment

3.    Public Forum: To resolve to suspend the meeting for a maximum of 10 minutes to allow members of the public to ask questions or make short statements to the council.
Start of public forum: 19:01pm

•    One member of the public, just visiting to see what goes on at a meeting
•    One member of the public was invited to attend by Cllr Richard Austin, to discuss Clarke Court problems with the Sports and Social Club / Playing Field. 
•    The chairman of Sports and Social Club James Payling, spoke about the problems of the netting and they are aware of the problems, with Clarke Court.
•    James mentioned that the netting has been repaired and it is the best it has looked in 10 years.
•    Cllr Richard Austin and Cllr Chris Mountain to explore the grants available. 
Public Forum Closed at 19: 27pm

Meeting re-started at 19:28pm

4.    Declarations of interest (if any): To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests
•    None declared 
5.    Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 9th October 2024- To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes. 
•    Cllr Richard Austin proposed, and Cllr Jason Stevenson seconded, for councillor David Williams (Acting Chair) to sign the 9th October 2024 minutes.

6.    Wyberton Playing Field / Sports and Social Club
•    Mr Cox’s and Mr James Payling, have been invited to the meeting to talk about funding. 
•    Cllr Mike Sharp advised the clerk not to write the letter at the present time. 
•    This was dealt with in the public forum.

7.    Lincolnshire County and Boston Borough Councillors
7.1    Cllr Mrs Alison Austin - Nothing new to report 
7.2           Cllr Mr Richard Austin   
•    Mentioned the Rosegraph Square regeneration program in Boston.
7.3           Cllr Chris Mountain 
•    Mentioned the car through the fence, this has been reported to the police and will be collected, no date confirmed for collection.

8.    Clerks Report – Ongoing issues 

a)    Footway Lighting – Update 
•    The clerk has been in contact with Boston Borough Council regarding the Footway lights, have advised of the most urgent lights to be repaired / changed, and the rest of the lights will be repaired/replaced in the next year. 
•    Cllr Chris Mountain advised that he would chase Boston Borough Council for a reply.

b)    Electrician works – Quotes. 
•    Cllr David Williams purchased the replacement LED tubes and charger for the hallway of the community centre, at a cost of £60.00
•    Cllr David Williams and Cllr Mike Sharp installed the lights on Thursday 24th October 2024
•    The lights in the meeting room, both councillors are looking into this as they have a different starter, Cllr Mike Sharp advised it is possible to do without an electrician doing the work. 

c)    Clarke Court complaints with Wyberton Sports and Social Club. 
•    Nothing to report

d)    Speeding and traffic volumes, West End Road
•    The clerk has received the Correx signs as requested. 
•    To decide where the signs are to be installed
•    Cllr Chris Mountain has kindly agreed to put these signs up. 
•    The clerk has been in contact with LRSP, they advised that they still need to visit the locations to ensure that nothing has changed. 
•    To let LRSP know the locations of the intended sites for the radar speed signs.
•    Cllr Chris Mountain will have a look and report back to where the locations were. 
•    Cllr Richard Austin mentioned that Cllr Mike Sharp is aware of the locations.

e)    Speed Indicator Radar program
•    Nothing to report 

f)    To Note: - Grass verge along London Road 
•    Cllr Richard Austin and the Warden replaced the grass seed along London Road, Thank you. 

g)    To Note: - Woodside Asset of Community Value
•    The clerk emailed all councillors to advise that Woodside would not be put forward, for an Asset of Community Value. 
•    This item to be removed from further agendas and minutes. 

9.    Councillors update on previous agenda items – To discuss and resolve
9.1    Newsletter – Update 
•    To finalise the final draft of the newsletter 
•    Cllr Mike Sharp (Not in attendance) has stated his option on the newsletter, read out by the acting chair Cllr David Williams
•    All Councillors agreed to keep the Newsletter as it is with the logo on each page and not to compress as suggested.
•    Cllr Jason Stevenson proposed, and Cllr Caryn Sheldrake seconded and all in favour for the newsletter to remain as drafted. 
•    To agree the printers 
•    All councillors agreed for Inkonomical to do the printing of the newsletter
•    The clerk to deal
•    To agree the delivery of the newsletters.
•    Cllr Richard Austin will organise the distribution of the newsletter in conjunction with the Christmas cards for the church. 

9.2    Crest update – Cllr Allan Fryer 
•    Cllr Allan Fryer to show the council the drafts of the crest
•    Cllr Allan Fryer not in attendance, to be added to December 2024 agenda.

9.3    Blue Plaque – Update 
•    The clerk has purchased the plaque
•    Cllr Allan Fryer to put the plaque up, update at the next meeting. 

9.4    New signage on front of community centre – Update Mike Sharp
•    No update received
•    Councillors agreed for The Clerk to deal with this logo.

9.5    Bank signatories and debit card – Update – Cllr Mike Sharp
•    Cllr Mike Sharp visited the office on the 29th October to set up Cllr Maxine Stones and Cllr David Williams as signatories.
•    Cllr Mike Sharp set up The Clerk as a signatory and set up the Debit Card.
•    This item has now been resolved and will no longer be on the agenda. 

9.6    Electrician works – Quotes. 
•    Quotes now received.
•     Cost to replace the heaters in the Prince George Suite (one heater not working) £880.00
•    Cost to replace the heaters in the meeting room £1,150.00
•    All Councillors resolved that these works will not commence.
•    Cllr Chris Mountain advised that the parish council could apply for an Energy Grant to cover the heating throughout the building as it would benefit the community centre. 
•    The clerk to investigate.
•    As a temporary solution, Cllr Caryn Sheldrake will bring in a heater for the PGS.
•    Cllr David Willimas mentioned about solar panels on the community centre, and this can be included in the Energy Grant.

10.    Councillors to discuss and resolve the following items:    

10.1.    Change of meeting day: - Cllr Mike Sharp
        Meeting day to change back to a Tuesday evening. 
•    Cllr Richard Austin proposed, and Cllr Jason Stevenson seconded and all in favour for the day of the meeting to remain as a Wednesday.

10.2.    New Members for the Finance Committee
    10.2.1    To elect at least two members for the finance committee
•    Cllr David Williams and Cllr Allan Fryer to join the Finance Committee
    10.2.2    To arrange a meeting date. Dates to consider: 25th, 26th or 27th November 2024 at 10:30am
•    Date set for the meeting for Monday 25th November 2024 

10.3.    Caretaker – Cloths
Two councillors have stated that they would be willing to wash the cloths at no cost to the parish council. This will save the Parish Council £180 per year. 
•    Cllr Richard Austin Proposed and Cllr David Williams seconded and all in favour of the cloths being washed by Cllrs Caryn Sheldrake and Cllr Allan Fryer 
•    Cllr Caryn Sheldrake mentioned putting a bin in the dishwasher room for the dirty cloths.
•    The clerk to let the caretaker know of the change.

10.4.    New Strimmer 
The warden has informed the clerk that the strimmer that was purchased last year, is no longer working and he has requested a more industrial type of strimmer for the community centre and the village. 
•    Cllr Caryn Sheldrake has petrol items that are no longer used. 
•    Cllr Caryn Sheldrake to speak to the Warden directly.

11.        From the Community Centre and Events Committee meeting held on 30th October 2024
To receive full council approval

11.1.    Purchase new laptop for the clerk, at an approx. cost between £500 - £800
•    Cllr Richard Austin Proposed and Cllr Jason Stevenson Seconded and all Councillors in favour of the purchase.
•    The clerk to deal 

11.2.    Purchase a new noticeboard (freestanding) for the front of the community centre.
•    Cllr Richard Austin Proposed and Cllr Caryn Sheldrake Seconded and all Councillors in favour of the purchase of a freestanding noticeboard.
•    Double-door in Blue with Logo on Dome approx. cost £1400.00
•    The clerk to order

11.3.    To increase the delegated spending amount from £500 to £2,000. This will enable the committee to make more decisions on items that need to be repaired without full council permission.
•    Cllr Richard Austin Proposed and Cllr Jason Stevenson Seconded for the delegated spending to be increased to £2000 without having to go to full council for approval. 

11.4.    To note: Various items discussed including: 
    Events for 2025 including – Dog Show, Valentine’s Ball, Summer Fate, Christmas Fair, Halloween.
    Deposits for parties up to midnight to increase to £150.00 
    Solar Panels – Looking into various grants / funding

12:    Finance
12.1:    Approve Payments of Accounts
•    All councillors resolved for Cllr David Williams to sign the payment list. 
•    Payments to be made November 2024 - £7,548.04
•    Payments made in between meetings - £939.43
•    Receipts received from 10th October 2024 – 13th November 24 - £2,252.78

        12.2:    Bank statements – 13th November 2024
•    Treasurers Balance - £8,186.18
•    Business Bank Insta - £45,598.96

13:    Planning matters: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the Borough Council – The parish clerk has delegated authority to respond to planning applications, in consultation with the councillors via email. 
To include those received between the day of posting this notice and the day of the meeting 
•    All planning applications sent throughout the month have had no objections from the councillors. 

Next Meeting: Wednesday 11th December – at 7pm 

With no other matters the meeting closed at 20:39pm

