October 2024 Minutes

Mrs Val Austin, Clerk, Wyberton Community Centre, 295 London Road, Wyberton, PE21 7DE
Telephone: 01205 351450
Email: clerk@wyberton-pc.gov.uk

Minutes taken by The Clerk Mrs Val Austin, 
for the Parish Council meeting at Wyberton Parish Council, which was held on 
Wednesday 9th October 2024 at 7pm at Wyberton Community Centre 
(These minutes will be checked at the next meeting before the council amends/approves them as a correct record)

Present: Cllr Mike Sharp (Chair), Cllr David Williams (Vice Chair) Cllr Richard Austin, Cllr Steve Slater, 
Cllr Caryn Sheldrake, and the Clerk Val Austin. 

1 member of the public were also present.

The meeting was called to order at 19:00pm

1.    Chairman to open the meeting:  Good Evening and welcome to you all, and thank you for attending.  

2.    Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting. 

•    Cllr Jason Stevenson – New Job commitment (x3 months)
•    Cllr Allan Fryer – Prior Commitment 
•    Cllr Maxine Stones – Prior Commitment 

3.    Public Forum: To resolve to suspend the meeting for a maximum of 10 minutes to allow members of the public to ask questions or make short statements to the council.

4.    Declarations of interest (if any): To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests
•    None declared 
5.    Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 11th September 2024- To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes. 
•    Cllr Steve Slater proposed and Cllr David Williams seconded, for councillor Mike Sharp to sign the September 2024 minutes.

6.    Lincolnshire County and Boston Borough Councillors
6.1.    Cllr Mrs Alison Austin – Apologised for not attending
•    Cllr Steve Slater mentioned that the area by London Road needs more work doing to it. Cllr Richard Austin will feed back the information to Cllr Alison Austin. 

6.2.    Cllr Mr Richard Austin 
•    Mentioned the winter fuel payments for seniors, this can be claimed if the senior is on pension credit. 
•    Outer Dowsing Wind Farm is going ahead, this will finish in Surfleet and will be added to the existing wind farm. 
•    Funding is available from Outer Dowsing for projects.
•    Cllr Mike Sharp mentioned other areas of the village lacking and can be looked into other than the play park
•    Cllr Steve Slater mentioned a MUGA (Multi Use Gym Area) for the older children on the village green. 
•    Cllr Steve Slater mentioned the Autumn wombles clean up on the 27th October 2024.
6.3:    Cllr Chris Mountain – Not present and no report 

7.    Clerks Report – Ongoing issues 

a)    Footway Lighting – Update 
•    Councillors received an email from the Clerk with information regarding the costs of the loan, at 6% over five years. 
•    The councillors resolved not to take the loan out with Boston Borough Council
•    The clerk to inform the loans team at Boston Borough Council
•    The clerk to contact the relevant department to start work on the most urgent footway lights
•    Cllr Richard Austin proposed and Cllr David Williams seconded for the Parish Council to reject the loan and pay for the LED light transfer themselves. 
b)    Electrician works – Quotes. 
•    Quotes – Still waiting for the necessary information. 
•    Cllr Mike Sharp mentioned that this work can be done by purchasing the necessary items at the local DIY store and installing. 
•    Cllr Mike Sharp and Cllr David Williams to deal. 

c)    Clarke Court complaints with Wyberton Sports and Social Club. 
•    The clerk sent a letter to the residents of Clarke Court, explaining that this will be an ongoing issue and will be back in touch when the PC has more information. 
•    Cllr Steve Slater mentioned to write to the sports and social club with some solutions to the problems.
•    The clerk to reply to the letter received from the Sports and Social Club.

d)    Speeding and traffic volumes, West End Road
•    The clerk sent an email to all councillors with information regarding the Correx speed signs at a cost of £20.00 each. 
•    Cllr Richard Austin proposed and Cllr David Williams seconded, for the council to purchase five 30mph official correx signs via LRSP.
•    The clerk to contact the relevant department.
•    The clerk has been in contact with Cllr Alison Austin, who has suggested that the Parish Council contact Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership. 
•    The clerk informed Cllr Alison Austin that the PC were already in contact with LRSP.
•    The LRSP has been in touch with details of the reactive speed signs, they would need to visit and access the locations before the signs can be placed on the posts, that have already been approved, along West End Road, Tytton Lane and Saundergate. 
•    The clerk to contact LRSP and advise. 
•    Cllr Mike Sharp mentioned that there are already back plates on some lamp posts the village. 
•    Cllr Steve Slater mentioned that there was an accident along West End Road in October 24
•    Cllr Richard Austin requested that the PC write a Thank you to Cllr Alison Austin, for the two crossings installed. 

e)    Speed Indicator Radar program
•    Once the program is set up with at least 6 volunteers, the volunteers would need to go on a course. 
•    To place the looking for volunteers on in the Newsletter. 

f)    Grass verge along London Road 
•    The clerk has been in touch with Cllr Alison Austin regarding this and is still waiting on a reply, to chase this up. 
•    Cllr Alison Austin has replied stating that she had contacted the relevant departments to action this area. 

8.    Councillors update on previous agenda items – To discuss and resolve
a)    Newsletter – Update 
•    Cllr Caryn Sheldrake, has produced a draft newsletter in colour with the Wyberton logo and colours.
•    This newsletter was a draft to show that the logo could be used and could be made in colour. 
•    To have a pull-out keeper page of essential numbers that the residents can keep to hand and this will not block up the newsletter. 
•    Councillors agreed that the pull out should be on stiffer paper than the newsletter. 
•    Councillors agreed that the newsletter to go out mid-November, in conjunction with the Church’s Christmas Card.  
•    The clerk to get prices for the printers. 

b)    Crest update – Cllr Allan Fryer 
•    Cllr Allan Fryer is working on the crest and will update at next meeting.
•    Cllr Allan Fryer not in attendance and will update in November meeting. 

c)    Wyberts Play Park – Update
•    The clerk wrote to the resident with a disclaimer, which the resident has now signed. 
•    Waiting to receive the invoice for the works.
•    This item to be removed from future agendas as now resolved. 
d)    Bank signatories and debit card – Update – Cllr Mike Sharp
Cllr Mike Sharp to set up new signatories for the bank with the councillors as agreed in the last meeting.
Cllr Mike Sharp to set up the debit card for the clerk as agreed in the last meeting. 
Cllr Mike Sharp arranged a date for Cllr David Williams and Cllr Maxine Stones and the clerk to meet in October to get the signatories changed and updated. 

e)    Charity Commission Information. – Wyberton Playing Field. 
•    The clerk has been in contact with the Charity Commission asking for a copy of the Governing Documents for Wyberton Playing Field. 
•    The clerk has emailed all the councillors with the information received.
•    Cllr David Williams explained the situation to do with this item.
•    Cllr Steve Slater suggested that the PC work with the Social Club and arrange a meeting
•    The clerk to contact Mick Cox and arrange a meeting with councillors. 

f)    Amazon - Parcel Pick Up points – Cllr David Williams 
•    The clerk to contact Amazon again to see what is happening with their survey of the Community Centre. 
•    Cllr Richard Austin and Cllr David Williams to arrange to meet to access the area. Ongoing. 
•    Cllr David Williams will update the PC when more information comes through, and this item to be removed from future agendas.

g)    Blue Plaque – Update 
•    The clerk to order the plaque and Cllr Allan Fryer has volunteered to instal the plaque once received. 

h)    New signage on front of community centre – Update Mike Sharp
•    The clerk has advised Cllr Mike Sharp of the location of the logo (Dropbox)
•    Cllr Mike Sharp to deal. 

9.    Councillors to discuss and resolve the following items:    

9.1 – Adopt 2024 - Equal Opportunities Policy 
•    Adopt policy updated version 2024 
•    All councillors resolved for the adoption of the new equal opportunities policy. 

10:    Finance
10.1:    Approve Payments of Accounts
•    All councillors resolved for Cllr Mike Sharp to sign the payment list. 
•    Payments to be made October 2024 - £7,339.60
•    Payments made in between meetings - £554.48
•    Receipts received from 12 Sept 2024 – 9th Oct 24 - £33,286.17

        10.2:    Bank statements – 9th October 2024
•    Treasurers Balance - £16,411.07
•    Business Bank Insta - £45,529.55

1:    Planning matters: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the Borough Council – The parish clerk has delegated authority to respond to planning applications, in consultation with the councillors via email. 
To include those received between the day of posting this notice and the day of the meeting 
•    All planning applications sent throughout the month have had no objections from the councillors. 

Next Meeting: Wednesday 13th November – at 7pm 

With no other matters the meeting closed at 20:35pm