January 2024 Minutes
Mrs Val Austin, Clerk, Wyberton Community Centre, 295 London Road, Wyberton, PE21 7DE
Telephone: 01205 351450
Email: clerk@wyberton-pc.gov.uk
Minutes taken by Councillor Jason Stevenson, in the absence of The Clerk for the Parish Council meeting at Wyberton Parish Council, which was held on Wednesday 10th January 2024 at 7pm in Wyberton Community Centre
(These minutes will be checked at the next meeting before the council amends/approves them as a correct record)
Present: Cllr Mike Sharp (Chair), Cllr Jason Stevenson (Acting Clerk), Cllr Richard Austin, Cllr Steve Slater, Cllr David Williams, Cllr Hev Ainsworth, Cllr Maxine Stones
Also Present: Cllr Chris Mountain and one member of the public.
The meeting was called to order at 19:00pm
1. Chairman to open meeting: Happy New Year wishes to everyone, wishing you all good health for the new year.
2. Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting:
• The Clerk – Due to illness.
3. Public Forum: To resolve to suspend the meeting for a maximum of 10 minutes to allow members of the public to ask questions or make short statements to the council.
• One member of the public was present.
• The member of the public raised the issue (via Cllr Chris Mountain) when will the lights be replaced on Parthian Avenue, this was reported 3 years ago, and nothing has been done.
Cllr Chris Mountain, mentioned that this is possibly LHP responsibility and will be dealing with the issue.
4. Declarations of interest (if any): To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests:
• No interests declared
5. Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 13th December 2023- To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes.
• Cllr Jason Stevenson proposed and Cllr Steve Slater seconded
6. Lincolnshire County and Boston Borough Councillors – Reports to be sent to The Clerk prior to the meeting.
a) Cllr Mrs Alison Austin:
• Cllr Alison Austin sent her apologises. Notes read out by Cllr Richard Austin.
Cllr Alison Austin, sent an email to the clerk, regarding the community discussion on the Devolution for Greater Lincolnshire, several meetings have already taken place, the next Boston meeting to be held at Boston Football Club on 11th January 2024
• Cllr Alison Austin, wanted to check that a request has been put in for speeding along London Road, Cllr Jason Stevenson to speak to the clerk to find out what is happening.
• Noted to report street flooding to FIXMYSTREET
• Cllr Jason Stevenson raised a point regarding damage to his bike along Tytton Lane East, from Wyberton Low Road, the repair is unsafe and has caused damage. This has been reported to FIXMYSTREET.
b) Cllr Mr Richard Austin:
• Stephenson Close development, Cllr Richard Austin will write a report about the development for the next meeting.
• The road on Parthian Avenue (London Road) was flooded due to recent rain fall, foliage in drains causing the flooding.
c) Cllr Mr Chris Mountain:
• Issue at the Orchards now resolved, this has been discussed and resolved with LHP
• Traffic enforcement stopping outside the school to guide and inform parents to where they can park, there is an issue with the signage, but this is in the process of being solved.
• Complaint about Papa John’s due to being served meat on a veggie pizza
• Working with LCC highways, The Quadrant temp events permit and when adoption of clearway can be put in force for the quadrant. Look at implementation of the temp events notice. Looking at temp parking structure for the area as structures not happening.
• EV parking at Wells Place and Field Drive, land scape to protect properties.
7: Update on Items from previous agendas:
7.1 - LHP Land Parthian Avenue Village Green / Play Area – Ongoing –
7.1.1 - The clerk has been in contact with Chatterton’s and they are dealing with LHP solicitors, further update when available.
contacted LHP and they have sent the necessary paperwork to their solicitors, and Chatterton's have been in touch with their solicitors, I have been chasing this up but as yet the information has not yet been sent to Chatterton's. LHP will give the land to WPC costing nothing except the fees of solicitors.
7.1.2- No further information regarding planning from the planning department, the clerk to chase.
7.1.3 - Cllr Austin has had a phone call from the contractor for the Area he has advised that the cost of the play area may go up,
7.2 - Footway Lighting – Update - Cllr Richard Austin
Cllr Richard Austin to organise with Boston Borough Council and with Parish councils, Old Leake has been leading the enquiries.
Cllr Stevenson informed the councilors of a meeting at Boston Borough Council, West Street offices at 7 pm on 25th January, for a liaison meeting. Two Councillors to attend from each parish Nominated Councillors, Cllr Stevenson and Cllr Slater, items on the agenda will be sent out nearer the time.
7.2.1 – Cllr David Williams, proposing solar lighting for footway lightening, see below for further information.
Cllr Sharp informed that the lighting is Boston Borough Council and the cost of electricity and not the maintenance. Waiting on the meeting in January. Money for upgrading is not being dispersed among the grass roots.
7.3 - Website – Update – Cllr Jason Stevenson to update on progress
Cllr Stevenson has been building website each page and has been developing the site.
Cllr Ainsworth is to assist building the content of the website.
7.4 - Wyberton Parish Gates – Cllr Steve Slater to update on progress.
7.4.1 - The clerk has been in contact with Glasdon with regards to the gates, the clerk has sent information to Cllr Steve Slater, ongoing.
The Signs have to be drilled out as these are security nuts.
Cllr Slater stated that he felt the Parish Chairs had made the decision, and the chair informed Cllr Slater that the instructions to remove the name came from the LCC Highways officer, with the threat that failure to do so would result in LCC arranging removal. the cost of which would be borne by WPC. Subsequently the chair of Frampton parish council had informed him that a resident of Frampton has threatened to remove them. The council resolved that this would be done temporarily, pending representation to the LCC in respect of the instruction.
Cllr Sharp has distributed the map to the affected residents of Frampton Fen which shows that boundary runs adjacent to Swineshead Road but the road at this point is in Wyberton.
7.5 Speeding – Fen Road and London Road – The clerk has been in contact with Highways for both roads and awaiting a response.
7.5.1 - Cllr Mike Sharp has spoken to highways about London Road
Fen road misrepresented to the 50 mph on Swineshead Road from Fen Road to Tesco
7.6 Newsletter – Cllr Steve Slater – Update from previous meeting
Cllr Slater informed that the price for 2000 newsletters will be £250. 8-page A5,
Proposed by Cllr Mike Sharp for this to be agreed at the next meeting,
7.7 - Nomination – Letter of Thanks – The clerk has raised the letters, waiting for the delivery of the paper before sending them out. - Cllr. Slater will take the letters by Hand
7.8 - Footway Lighting Repairs - The clerk received an email from BBC regarding the repair to the following lights –S/L 1 & 2 Low Road / S/L 3 Slippery Gowt Lane Junction Low Road.
7.8.1 - The clerk has been in contact with Boston Borough Council, waiting for a date to be set for the works to begin.
7.9 - Community Centre Road sign – Waiting for highways to set a date.
7.10 Community Plaque – Cllr Steve Slater to advise on date for installation.
Waiting on it to be installed as too wet for cement.
8: Councillors to discuss & resolve the following items:
8.1 - Annual Parish Meeting – Cllr Jason Stevenson – Setting date between 1st March and 1st June, and the creation of a working group to plan the Annual Parish Meeting – (Deferred from December 2023 meeting)
Parish meeting set for 16th April 2024
A working group consisting of Cllr Ainsworth, Cllr Stones and Cllr Stevenson first meeting TBC
8.2- CCTV Camera’s – Original quote received and accepted by Councillors £2,499.10, revised quote for a further 3 cameras would cost £3,963.07. A difference of £1,463.97.
The clerk has been in contact with GBSG for further information regarding the cameras. See below for more information. (Deferred from December 2023 meeting)
Parish Councillors decided not to go for the extra cameras but to repair and upgrade furniture. Then repair the floor.
9: Finance
9.1: Approve Payments of Accounts
All councillors resolved for Cllr Mike Sharp to sign the payment list
Payments to be made January 2024 - £6,700.92
Payments made in between meetings. - £1,924.75
Receipts received from 13th December 2023 to 10th January 2024 - £2,197.91
9.2: Bank statements – To be shown at the meeting as at 10th January 2024
Bank statements – Dated 10th January 2024
Treasures Balance £5,133.67
Business Bank Insta £94,142.92
10: Planning matters: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the Borough Council – The parish clerk has delegated authority to respond to planning applications, in consultation with the Councillors via email.
To include those received between the day of posting this notice and the day of the meeting
B/23/0104 Rowdyke Road nothing noted
B/24/0012 Scott Drive nothing noted
B/23/0330 Issues concerned about the fuddy duck application Planning team to review health issues to be investigating the issues also any services that they require. Issues may be around the License.
11: Report from Cllr Hev Ainsworth – Christmas Fayre and Disco:
Not well attended advertised Fayre was busy for the first hour they have the same stalls
Disco had only 18 children attend.
12: Report on Seniors Christmas Meal:
The senior’s meal was a success, the seniors enjoyed the food and drink and the entertainment. Not much to change for this year, other than the seating arrangements.
Cllr Richard Austin wants to raise a letter of thanks to the person who does the party at New Years to pay for the senior’s dinner. Agreed by all the Councillors
Next Meeting: Wednesday 14th February 2024 – at 7pm
Meeting closed at 20:31pm