July 2024 Minutes
Mrs Val Austin, Clerk, Wyberton Community Centre, 295 London Road, Wyberton, PE21 7DE
Telephone: 01205 351450
Email: clerk@wyberton-pc.gov.uk
Minutes taken by The Clerk Mrs Val Austin, for the Parish Council meeting at Wyberton Parish Council, which was held on Wednesday 10th July 2024 at 7pm at Wyberton Community Centre
(These minutes will be checked at the next meeting before the council amends/approves them as a correct record)
Present: Cllr Mike Sharp (Chair), Cllr Jason Stevenson (Vice Chair, Stepped down) Cllr Richard Austin (Left 20:24pm) Cllr Steve Slater, Cllr David Williams (Vice Chair) Cllr Maxine Stones and the Clerk Val Austin.
Four members of the public were also present.
Cllr Chris Mountain – Boston Borough Councillor also present.
The meeting was called to order at 19:00pm
1. Chairman to open the meeting. Welcome to you all and welcome to our visitors.
2. To Elect a New Vice Chairman (Cllr Jason Stevenson to step down)
Cllr Jason Stevenson nominated and Cllr Richard Austin seconded for Cllr David Williams to be vice chair for the remaining year.
3. Signing of the Declaration of Acceptance of Office by the Vice- Chairman to be witnessed by the Proper Officer
Cllr David Williams signed the acceptance of office, witnessed by the proper Office.
4. Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting – No apologises.
5. Public Forum: To resolve to suspend the meeting for a maximum of 10 minutes to allow members of the public to ask questions or make short statements to the council
Start of public forum – Start time 17:02pm
The resident from Clerk Court has reported that there are ongoing problems with footballs and climbing over fences into private properties to gain the ball back.
The residents of Clerk Court have supplied a signed petition, hoping that the Parish council can help with the problem.
Cllr Mike Sharp, advised this item will go on the next month’s agenda, for discussion.
Cllr Richard Austin, advised that this is an ongoing problem with Wyberton Sports and Social Club.
The resident from Parthian Avenue, mentioned her son who is disabled and unable to use the play park due the equipment which is not suitable for him. The resident also mentioned that they have lost their privacy due to the play park, cannot use their front garden, due to the children peering over and into their garden, rubbish thrown into their garden.
The playpark is too close to the resident’s property, and they feel that they had no other choice but to gain planning permission for a 6ft fence, an expensive that they can do without. The play tower measures at 5.5metres but should not be higher than 5 metres. Cllr Steve Slater mentioned that is due to the platform. The resident also mentioned that there is not enough accessible equipment, wheel chair friendly for her son and other wheel chair users at the playpark.
The resident also mentioned that from 4pm onwards the playpark is a nightmare with older children, smoking, swearing and abusive behaviour.
Cllr Mike Sharp Thanked the resident and advised that the parish council will look into and for this item to go on the agenda for August.
Public Forum closed at 19:28pm
6. Declarations of interest (if any): To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests
7. Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 12th June 2024- To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes.
• All councillors resolved for Cllr Mike Sharp to sign the minutes.
8. Lincolnshire County and Boston Borough Councillors
i. Cllr Mrs Alison Austin:
Received a note from Cllr Alison Austin
Work on the new crossing near the Coop started yesterday 9th July 24, this is the most recent one, it will go on for some time, the edge of the road on the Parthian Avenue side is the more complex.
This was a crossing initiated by me, I discussed it with Highways before bringing it to the PC. Please be aware that the various workmen are working for the County Council but come from a number of contractors as appropriate. Please contact me in the first place if there are any issues and I will redirect the problem as appropriate. This is how any major scheme is dealt with. It is an LCC scheme not a local council one.
Good News! The A52 crossing is completed and the pedestrians are using the lights. That links Wyberton and “my” ward St Thomas’s ward! Most local people are used to the system from the crossings on the John Adams Way. FYI – I attended a photo shoot at the A52 this morning.
Other Matters will be discussed with Dan the highways manager when we next meet. He was a way last month. Please send me a list of requests to my LCC email.
ii. Cllr Mr Richard Austin
Nothing to report
iii. Cllr Chris Mountain reported ongoing issue at Black House Farm with dirt and quad bikes, the police are monitoring the situation.
If any issues, to be reported to 101
9. Clerks Report – Ongoing issues
a) Wyberts Play Park
• Cllr Richard Austin, advised that the rubbish bin to be moved to the play park, is as advised by Boston Borough Council.
• The land, as it is licenced to Wyberton Parish Council, we do not need permission from LHP. The clerk to write back to the council.
• The clerk chased up the signage, Kompan apologise for the delay in getting the signage installed and they will be attending on the 18th July to install the sign and also to install the black matting at the gate.
b) Footway Lighting – Update
• Cllr Richard Austin, emailed the person dealing with the loan’s aspect, the person that is dealing with this is on annual leave until 8th July and they will contact the clerk on his return.
c) Business Rates Relief – Beacon Church
• Beacon Church needs to complete a form for the exception of rates at the community centre - Ongoing
d) Kings Portrait Installation and lighting in main hall
• Arranged with electrician to come and do the work, waiting for a confirmed date. Ongoing.
e) Electrician for works in hall
• The clerk has been in contact with the electrician who is doing the work, waiting for a confirmed date for work to start.
10. Councillors update on previous agenda items
a) Newsletter – Cllr Steve Slater – No further update, to go on August agenda
b) Crest update – Cllr Mike Sharp - From the April 2024 meeting
• Cllr Mike Sharp advised that the school is not involved with this now and for this item to be carried to the next agenda in August 2024, Cllr Mike Sharp has asked the councillors to think what they would like to see on the crest.
c) Charity Commission Information.
The clerk has gone through 10 years with of minutes, passed findings to Cllr David Williams.
• To arrange a meeting with the trustees of the charity commission for an informal chat.
• Cllr David Willaims and Cllr Mike Sharp to advise on the next steps.
d) War Memorial – Parthian Avenue – Cllr Steve Slater
• No further update
11. Councillors to discuss & resolve the following items:
11.1 – Residents Complaint regarding Wyberts Play Park
To discuss and resolve other options for the play park, shrubbery around the perimeter of the park fencing.
See public forum for information, no further information.
• Not discussed, due to the resident being present in the public forum.
11.2 – Parcel Pick Up Points – Community Centre – Cllr David Williams
To discuss and resolve having a parcel pick up point based at the community centre
• Cllr David Williams to look into further and report back in August
11.3 – Lawn Mower (Bag replacement)
To discuss and resolve, look into purchasing a new ride on mower, as cannot get a bag replacement for the old mower.
• Councillors discussed the options of purchasing a new mower
• To look at new mowers at the end of the year, when they would be cheaper / in a sale
11.4 – Resident Letters for boundary overgrown issues – Cllr Steve Slater
To discuss and resolve, if letters should be sent to residents with overgrown boundaries, causing issues to the public.
• After discussions the councillors resolved for the clerk to produce a letter for the residents
11.5 – Speeding and traffic volumes, West End Road – Cllr Steve Slater
To discuss and resolve, should the speed limit on West End Road be reduced to 30mph.
• After discussions the councillors resolved for the clerk to write a letter to the county council with regards to the speed limit on West End Road.
11.6 – Parish Burial Ground – Upkeep – Cllr Mike Sharp
To discuss and resolve, the current grass cutting arrangements will be ending at the end of September, to find an alternative for this arrangement. Could the parish warden do this?
• This item was discussed within item 11:3
• Cllr Steve Slater advised the councillors that the warden Dick Creasey would not have enough time to cut the burial ground grass as well as the other jobs he has.
• Ongoing to find someone willing to cut the grass at the burial ground.
11.7 – Winter Warmth Program – Cllr Mike Sharp
To discuss and resolve, should the community centre hold a separate winter warmth group? (This was tried but did not take off)
• Wyberton Community Centre to be removed from the winter warmth program as this did not take off when it was trialled before.
11.8 – Speed Indicator Device (SID)
To discuss and resolve. Residents are interested in setting up traffic control along certain roads in Wyberton. Would purchasing a device be worthwhile?
• After discussions the councillors agreed for the clerk to find out the costings for the costs of the speed indicator devices (lamp post)
• Councillor Richard Austin advised the clerk to contact the Road Safety Partnership for the Corex signs.
11.9 – Recruiting new councillors
Finding ways to get more councillors on the parish council.
• All councillors will put the word out for the recruitment of new councillors.
12: Finance
12.1: Approve Payments of Accounts
Approve Payments of Accounts
All councillors resolved for Cllr Mike Sharp to sign the payment list
Payments to be made July 2024 - £7,149.45
Payments made in between meetings. - £621.08
Receipts received from 13th June 2024 to 10th July 2024 - £2,101.09
12.2: Bank statements – To be shown at the meeting as at 10th July 2024
Treasures Balance £34,173.55
Business Bank Insta £3,523.07
13: Planning matters: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the Borough Council – The parish clerk has delegated authority to respond to planning applications, in consultation with the councillors via email.
To include those received between the day of posting this notice and the day of the meeting
12. Next Meeting: Wednesday 14th August 2024 – at 7pm
• Chairman Mike Sharp, mentioned Cllr Hev Ainsworth resignation from the parish council,
It is a sad loss to the council; she was a good councillor and contributed so much over the last year.
With no other matters the meeting closed at 20:26pm