May 2024 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting
Mrs Val Austin, Clerk, Wyberton Community Centre, 295 London Road, Wyberton, PE21 7DE
Telephone: 01205 351450
Minutes taken by The Clerk Mrs Val Austin for the Annual Parish Council Meeting and Monthly Parish Council meeting at Wyberton Parish Council, which was held on Wednesday 8th May 2024 at 6:30pm at Wyberton Community Centre
(These minutes will be checked at the next meeting before the council amends/approves them as a correct record)
Present: Cllr Mike Sharp, (Chair), Cllr Jason Stevenson (Vice Chair), Cllr Richard Austin, Cllr David Williams, Cllr Steve Slater (arrived 6:50pm) Cllr Hev Ainsworth (arrived 6:42pm) and the Clerk Val Austin.
Also present: Boston Borough Councillor Chris Mountain.
One member of the public was also present. (arrived 6:52pm)
The meeting was called to order at 6:35pm
1. To elect a Chairman for the ensuring year 2024/2025 –
On Proposal from Cllr Richard Austin, seconded by Cllr David Williams, and with no objections, all councillors resolved for Cllr Mike Sharp to continue as Chairman for the ensuring year.
2. Signing of the Declaration of Acceptance of Office by the Chairman to be witnessed by the Proper Officer
Cllr Mike Sharp accepted the chairmanship, and it was duly signed and witnessed.
3. To elect a Vice-Chairman for the ensuring year 2024/2025 –
On Proposal from Cllr David Williams, seconded by Cllr Mike Sharp, and with no objections, all councillors resolved for Cllr Jason Stevenson to continue as Vice Chair for the ensuring year.
4. Signing of the Declaration of Acceptance of Office by the Vice- Chairman to be witnessed by the Proper Officer. Cllr Jason Stevenson accepted the Vice Chairmanship, and it was duly signed and witnessed.
5. To appoint representatives for committees, for the ensuring year 2024/2025 – (This item was delayed till more councillors were present – 19:25pm)
Cllr Richard Austin, purposed that the committees stayed the same from the previous year, with one change adding Cllr David Williams to the Staffing Committee and Community Centre and events committee.
Therefore, the members are as follows:
1: Finance Committee: Cllr Richard Austin, Cllr Mike Sharp, Cllr Jason Stevenson and Cllr Steve Slater
2: Staffing Committee: Cllr Hev Ainsworth, Cllr Jason Stevenson, Cllr Maxine Stones and Cllr David Williams
3. Community Centre and Events: Cllr Hev Ainsworth, Cllr Jason Stevenson, Cllr Maxine Stones and Cllr David Williams.
Dates for meetings to be set in due course.
The Annual Parish Council Meeting closed at 18:39pm
The Monthly Parish Meeting opened at 18: 39pm
6. Chairman to open the Monthly Parish Council meeting.
Hello and welcome to the start of the New Year, another year of great achievements.
7. Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting
Cllr Maxine Stones – Prior Appointment.
8. Public Forum: To resolve to suspend the meeting for a maximum of 10 minutes to allow members of the public to ask questions or make short statements to the council
The member of the public spoke about Collingwood Cresent and the ACV which will be withdrawn from The Parish Council.
Cllr Alison Austin, advised in her report to the clerk that the land belongs to Highways and would not be sold to a resident.
9. Declarations of interest (if any): To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests
• None Declared.
10. Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 10th April 2024- To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes.
• Cllr Richard Austin purposed and Cllr Jason Stevenson seconded to sign the minutes.
11. Lincolnshire County and Boston Borough Councillors
i. Cllr Mrs Alison Austin: - See Appendix A below.
ii. Cllr Mr Richard Austin:
• Reminder about Love Your Neighbourhood, entries up to 30th June 2024
• Borough council report on the marathon with 1400 entries, despite the weather, 15 different countries (10 students in this county) Remarkable attendance.
• Cllr Mike Sharp, mentioned 307 more medals handed out.
• Only 2 hospital casualties.
iii. Cllr Chris Mountain
• Congratulations on the play park, it is nice to see it very busy and used.
• There has been a decrease in fly tipping in the borough, with a maximum £1000 fine.
• There will be cameras for the hotspots, no reported hotspots in Wyberton
• The cars on the green for sale, will no longer be placed there, have had a word with the garage.
Update on Items from previous Agenda items:
12.1. LHP Land Parthian Avenue Village Green / Wyberts Play Park – Update
12.1.2. Update on the Grand Opening 6th May
• Cllr Mike Sharp congratulated the councillors on Wyberts Play Park, the park has been used showing evidence of after school activity.
• Cllr Mike Sharp asked for further suggestions for the land.
• Cllr Steve Slater mentioned a bolt was missing on a slide to be reported to Kompan.
• The benches to stay where they are placed for now.
• Cllr Jason Stevenson mentioned double yellow lines, Cllr Mike Sharp has requested a plan for the June agenda.
12.1.3. Insurance quotes – The insurance for the play park additional cost £287.52. This amount has been paid and the play park is now insured. – This was noted
12.2 Footway Lighting – Update
12-2.1. The clerk has been in touch with Boston Borough Council with the listing of the footway lights for the upgrade, waiting for a response on the total cost, before applying for the loan. Update when available.
• The clerk has been in touch with LCC with regards to the A52 street lights and is waiting a reply
• The clerk to chase up BBC for a reply on the footway lighting.
12.3 Newsletter – Cllr Steve Slater
• Cllr Steve Slater, mentioned that the newsletter will be ready for June distribution
• Cllr Mike Sharp asked about volunteers to delivery the newsletter, all the councillors will deliver the newsletter.
12.4. Annual Parish Meeting / Annual meeting of Parishioners – Cllr Jason Stevenson Update
• Cllr Jason Stevenson, mentioned that only 5 members of the public turned up. It was a disappointing turnout by the community.
• The YMCA advocate will be issuing a questionnaire for the community to try to find out the reasons for non-attendance.
12.5. Relocation of Bins – Update
• A list of bins have been received by the Clerk, which was distributed to the councillors, Cllr Steve Slater has stated the bin located near McDonald’s on the A52 is rarely used and to request this bin be relocated to Wyberts Play Park. All councillors resolved to move the bin.
12.6 Dog Fouling Signs around the village – Update
• The clerk gave the signs to Cllr Steve Slater to put the signs up at Wyberts Play Park.
12.7. Crest update – Cllr Mike Sharp - From the April 2024 meeting as not present.
• Cllr Mike Sharp mentioned that the person dealing with the crest was not available, and will chase this up for the next meeting.
12.8. Request from Resident for disabled parking bay
All information sent to Cllr Alison Austin, who confirmed receipt of email.
• Please refer to Cllr Alison Austin’s report.
12.9. Kings Portrait – Update
The clerk has been in contact with the electrician, waiting for a date for the work to begin.
• Ongoing, update at when available.
13: Councillors to discuss & resolve the following items:
13.1. Wyberton United Charities – Cllr Mike Sharp – From the April 2024 meeting
To discuss and resolve
• After discussions, councillors agreed to Act as supervisory trustee’s.
13.2. Collingwood Cresent – To discuss and resolve
From April 2024 meeting discussion on the ACV to be withdrawn, Boston Borough Council say the land is protected and would not be sold.
• Refer to Cllr Alison Austin report.
13.3 Lighting in the community centre quote – To discuss and resolve
13.3.1 The fluorescent lighting in the main hall is old and not energy efficient, some of the lights are not working, the electrician has supplied a quote for the replacement of 15 lights to LED. Total Price £2,127.99. This includes the hire of the scaffolding.
13.3.2 Received a quote for the carpark lighting, changing to LED from the obsolete orange light, Total cost including VAT £443.94. If the works are carried out at the same time there would not be an extra charge for scaffolding.
• For both the above agenda items, councillors require two further quotes before making any decisions on the lighting in the community centre.
14. Finance
14.1: Approve Payments of Accounts
• All councillors resolved for Cllr Mike Sharp to sign the payment list.
• Payments to be made May 2024 - £ 88,447.31
• Payments made in between meetings - £679.52
• Receipts received from 11th April to 8th May - £1,620.78
• 1st Instalment of Precept - £25,823.97
• VAT Refund – 2023-2024 Year - £6,217.17
14.2: Bank statements – Dated 8th May 2024
Treasures Balance £46,430.44
Business Bank Insta £84,425.21
15: Planning matters: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the Borough Council – The parish clerk has delegated authority to respond to planning applications, in consultation with the councillors via email.
To include those received between the day of posting this notice and the day of the meeting
No planning matters to discuss
Next Meeting: Wednesday 12th June 2024 – at 7:00pm
Wiith no other matters the meeting closed at 19:36pm