August 2021 Minutes

Notes taken by the Clerk from a recording at the meeting of Wyberton Parish Council, which was held on Tuesday 17 August 2021 at 7:00pm in Wyberton Parish Hall

Present:  Councillors Mike Sharp (Chairman), Councillor Tracey Abbot and Richard Austin

Public forum: 
No press or public attended the meeting

1. Chairman’s remarks 
Welcomed those attending 

2. Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting
Apologies were sent to all members by Councillor Ransome but not received until after the meeting 

3. Police report
No report

4. Declarations of interest (if any): To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests
None Received

5. Notes of the Parish Council meetings held on Tuesday 20 July 2021: To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
On proposal from Councillor Abbott and seconded by Councillor Austin, with no objections all resolved to accept the notes of 20 July 2021, as a correct record of the meeting and gave permission for the Chairman to sign them

6. Notes of the extraordinary meeting Parish Council meetings held on Friday 30 July 2021: To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
On proposal from Councillor Abbott and seconded by Councillor Austin, with no objections all resolved to accept the notes of 30 July 2021, as a correct record of the meeting and gave permission for the Chairman to sign them

7. Lincolnshire County and Boston Borough Councillors
Apologies were received from Councillor A Austin
Councillor Abbott
Reported that a number of complaints had ben received by BBC about the car parking issues.  This was discussed and the chairman agreed that it should be an agenda item for the next meeting, when more details could be ascertained
Councillor R Austin
Spoke of Wyberton Wombles intention to place a memorial to the Covid Pandemic on the ground opposite the school and have suggested that the PC could support the project with the donation of a tree.  Before this is approved it was agreed that further details were required, such as whether the land owner (LHP) have formally agreed, the purpose of the ‘memorial’ (is it to those who died, or a celebration of the carers and NHS etc);  what are the views of the school and what signage is proposed.  Wyberton Wombles are not a formal group so not eligible under the grant protocol.

8. Reports from Members of the council
a) Defibrillator parts – Councillor Sharp
The Parish Council is not recorded as the owner of the unit by the Circuit (part of the British Heart Foundation) and it will not be registered as a public facility if the ‘owner’ does not certify checks. This is an error as there is evidence of the equipment being presented to the PC.  The Spar shop have indicated that they are willing to administer the equipment and maintain it also.

b) Litter Picking & Bins – Councillor R Austin
This item was discussed with no actions

9. Finance
a) Approve payment of accounts
Staff and Consultant costs £1461.13
Mr Simpson Shaw for 4 grass cuts at Woodside Road £60.00
To include a late receipt from Mrs Sue Ransome for Supplies £20.99 
On proposal from Councillor Abbott and seconded by Councillor Austin, with no objections all resolved to approve payments and two members signed the payment schedule

b) Bank statement 
The Chairman had received this 

c) Grant application: To discuss & resolve
On proposal from Councillor Sharp and seconded by Councillor Abbott, with no objections all resolved to issue a grant of £155.00 to The Boston Woods Trust to purchase paving slabs and sand for use in the woods area 

d) LALC – Website Maintenance 
On proposal from Councillor Sharp and seconded by Councillor Austin, with no objections all resolved subscribe to LALCs Website Maintenance plan at £15 per month which will start on 1 September 2021
10. Planning matters: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the Borough Council - To include those received between 10 and 17 August 2021
a) B/21/0350 Erection of modular café building at Frampton Marsh Nature Reserve Visitors Centre, Frampton Roads, Frampton, Boston, PE20 1AY
No objections 

b) B/21/0288 Erection of 24no. Light Industrial Units (Class E(g)) at Land off Marsh Lane, Boston
No objections
c) Received on Monday 16 August
B/21/0293 Application for Hazardous Substances Consent at Calders and Grandidge, 194, London Road, Boston, PE21 7HJ
No objections  

11. Correspondence and requests received
a) Queens Platinum Jubilee 2022
The Parish Council would like to be involved in these celebrations and will support local events that are planned

b) Grass Cutting – Update
No discussion needed

12. Next Meeting: 21 September 2021 in Wyberton Parish Hall 

The meeting closed at 7.58pm