June 2021 Minutes

Minutes taken by the Chairman at the meeting of Wyberton Parish Council which was held on
Tuesday 22 June 2021, in Wyberton Parish Hall

Present:  Councillors S. Ransome (Chairman), M. Sharp (Vice Chairman), R. Austin, T. Abbot and D. Ransome 

Public forum:   
No press or public attended the meeting

The meeting started at 7:00pm with a site inspection of the facia and gutters of the Parish Hall, the chairman had been made aware that they need attention to stop them from getting worse.

1. Chairman’s remarks 
The chairman requested that the meeting is finished by 8:30pm

2. Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting
Boston Borough Councillor Alison Austin sent Apologies

3. Police report:
No report received

4. Declarations of interest (if any): To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests
None declared
5. Notes of the Parish Council meetings held on Tuesday 6 May 2021: To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
On proposal from Councillor Sharp and seconded by Councillor Abbott, with no objections all resolved to accept the notes of 6 May 2021, as a correct record of the meeting and gave permission for the Chairman to sign them

6. Lincolnshire County and Boston Borough Councillors
Councillor Abbott 
CCTV had been used at Asda and Tesco, people who had tried to dispose of their rubbish and found     the containers were full and had left it next to the container had received ‘fly tipping’ notices with a £200 fine, this is being brought up at Borough Council and will be discussed at a meeting early in July.  If Members of the council do hear of anyone receiving a penalty they can contact the Fly Swat team at Borough  
The question was asked if members had heard a rumour about Aldi possibly going next to the new Starbucks on the roundabout opposite Tesco.  No-one had any information.

Councillor R. Austin
Informed the Members that each Parish Council will receive £1,000 each and each Borough Councillor will also receive £1,000 each, this is for the Councillor Grants Scheme.  A briefing is being held by the Borough on 5 July via video conferencing to discuss all details to qualify, details have been sent out

7. Reports from Members of the council
a) Defibrillator parts – Councillor Sharp
Councillor Sharp had received an email advising him to contact Cyril Nynam as he had been sending in the reports until September 2020
b) Replacement bench – Councillor S Ransome  
Councillor S Ransome said could this be taken off the agenda as the bench was in situ and the matter closed.
c) Litter Picking & Bins – Councillor R Austin
Councillor R Austin said he would speak to his contact for the Wyberton Wombles to get a final decision on which bins needed moving, due to the expense involved.

8. Clerk’s report
a) Hall bookings
The Clerk had previously sent in an updated bookings sheet to all members
The Chairman filled in any details
b) Hall decorating
The Chairman gave a brief report and added that for the Facia and Guttering that had been seen earlier in the evening that she asks for a quote from Graeme at Mill Locks and Safes
On proposal from Councillor R Austin and seconded by Councillor D Ransome, with no objections all resolved that the Chairman should gain a quote from this company

9. Finance
a) Approve payment of accounts
All agreed to approve via email 
b) Online banking update
Clerk to update members 
c) Bank statement
Clerk to send to members 

10. Planning matters: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the Borough Council - To include those received between 3 and 22 June 2021
B/21/0160: Councillor Sharp sent his views to Clerk and all agreed with them
B/21/0247: Councillor S Ransome feels that it has a very dangerous exit on to a blind bend, Councillors R Auston has concerns with regard to the balconies on both houses, the Clerk to collate all members views and send for approval  
BAEF: The Clerk to send a response to acknowledge the letters and memory stick and to state that the Parish Council have nothing further to add.

11. Correspondence and requests received
a) Grass Cutting – To resolve what information is published
The following was agreed, the Clerk to type it up & send for approval before publishing it.
Roadside: Lincolnshire County Council
Collingwood Crescent: Lincolnshire County Council
Cuckoo Land: Boston Borough Council
The Clerk to check that Allerton Court had been added to the LCC list of responsibility

b) The Clerk to write a draft open letter for the residents of Woodside regarding the arrangement the
Parish Council entered into with the residents last year. The Parish Council had agreed they would arrange and pay for the grass cutting last year, 2020 and then a cut this year, 2021, and at the end of the growing season this year the residents would have to put something in place for themselves.
Councillor Abbott volunteered to deliver the letters by hand.
12. Next Meeting: to be discussed
Tuesday 20 July 7pm in Wyberton Parish Hall 

13. Resolve to go into closed session
On proposal from Councillor D Ransome and seconded by Councillor T Abbott, with no objections all resolved to go into closed session

14. Parish Hall
a) Vacancy for Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer
b) Vacancy for Parish Hall Administrator 
c) Salary review for Caretaker

Meeting closed at 8:05pm