July 2021 Minutes EOM

Minutes for the extraordinary meeting of Wyberton Parish Council, which was held on Friday 30 July 2021 at 7:00pm in Wyberton Parish Hall

Present: Councillors M. Sharp (Vice Chairman), R. Austin, T. Abbot and D. Ransome

Public Forum
No press or public attended the meeting

1. Acting Chairman’s remarks 
Welcome and thanks to those present. Apologies for the taking up part of the weekend.

2. Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting
No Apologies

3. Declarations of interest (if any): To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests
None received

4. To elect a chairman for the remainder of the year 2021/22
On proposal Cllr Ransome, seconded by Cllr Abbot all resolved that Cllr Mike Sharp become Chairman for the forthcoming year. Cllr sharp accepted

5. Signing of the Declaration of Acceptance of Office by the Chairman to be witnessed by the Proper Officer
It was resolved that Councillor Sharp as Chairman and the Clerk as Proper Officer, would meet to sign and witness the declaration of office

6. To elect a Vice-Chairman (if different) for the remainder of the year 2021/22 and receive the Declaration of Acceptance of Office from the Vice Chairman to be witnesses by the Proper Officer
On proposal Cllr Sharp, seconded by Cllr Ransome all resolved that Cllr Tracey Abbott become Chairman for the forthcoming year. Cllr Abbott accepted

7. Next Meeting: 17 August 2021

8. Resolve to go into closed session
At 7.10pm it was proposed by Cllr Abbot and seconded by Cllr Ransome to go into a closed session

9. Council procedures 

a) Discuss ideas going forward 

b) Council Vacancies

c) Applications for Vacancy of Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer: To discuss

d) Applications for Vacancy of Parish Hall Administrator: To discuss

The Meeting closed at 7.50pm