April 2021 Minutes


Notes taken by the Clerk at the meeting of Wyberton Parish Council which was held on Tuesday 20 April 2021, via video conference [1] To be approved at the next meeting


Councillors R Austin (Vice Chairman), M Sharp, D Ransome and C Mitchell
Councillor S Ransome joined the meeting during item 6

Also present was the Consultant Clerk Mrs Victoria Clark and Councillor Alison Austin who attended for part of the meeting


Public forum: [2]

  • No press or public attended the meeting

The meeting started at 7:05pm


  1. Chairman’s remarks
  • In the absence of the Chairman, due to technical difficulties, the Vice Chairman Councillor Richard Austin took the meeting
  1. Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting
  • Apologies with reasons were given to the Clerk from Councillor T Abbott. On proposal from Councillor Sharp and seconded by Councillor R Austin, with no objections it was resolved to accept the reason given


  1. Police report
  • No report received
  1. Declarations of interest (if any): To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011, being any pecuniary interest in agenda items, not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests
  • Councillor R Austin for items 9 a, b and c
  1. Notes of the Parish Council meetings held on Tuesday 16 March 2021: To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
  • On proposal from Councillor Sharp and seconded by Councillor R Austin, with no objections all resolved to accept the notes of 16 March 2021 as a correct record of the meeting and gave permission for the Chairman to sign them


  1. Lincolnshire County and Boston Borough Councillors

Councillor Alison Austin

  • No date for the Quadrant road to open yet but due to health and safety this would be after the site is safe for traffic to use it
  • Due to a complaint to highways regarding the extent of traffic on West End Road, a speed/measurement and number of vehicles has been requested
  • A question was asked regarding the legality of a commercial vehicle selling food at Jenny’s Wood

The Chairman, Councillor S Ransome took over the meeting





Councillor R Austin

  • Rapid testing is going well
  • Housing register will be updated and those concerned will be written to


  1. Reports from members of the council
  1. Defibrillator parts
  • Councillor Sharp gave the members an update
  1. Replacement bench 
  • This is not in place yet, Councillor S Ransome to pursue it


  1. Finance
  1. Approve payment of accounts
  • On proposal from Councillor Sharp and seconded by Councillor R Austin, with no objections all resolved to approve the payments
  1. Accounts sheet
  • Received by all members and no questions were asked
  1. Online banking update
  • This is still ongoing
  1. Bank statement
  • Received by all members and no questions were asked


  1. Planning matters – Town and Country Planning Act 1990: To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the Borough Council - To include those received between 13th and 20th April 2021
  1. B/21/0109 (Ext. until 21 April) Advertisement Consent for the Installation of 4no. Non-illumated Fascia Signs 1200mm wide by 500mm high on roundabout between Boardside, Gilbert Drive and Ashton Hall Drive and 4no. Non illuminated Signs 1200mm wide by 500mm on roundabout between Gilbert Drive and Sunflower Way at A1121 Boardsides/Gilbert Drive, Ashton-Hall Drive, Boston, PE21 7TF
  • The members objected, due to stand alone advertising boards being a potential safety risk for traveling vehicles, that they might obscure the view and distracting the drivers. It could also set a standard for future signs and it was hoped that there will be a thorough assessment from the road safety partnership
  1. B/21/0077 – (Ext. 21 April) Siting of up to 15 no. lodges with amenity space, landscaping, an internal road network, parking areas, and associated infrastructure at The Firs, West End Road, Wyberton, PE21 7LL
  • The members objected and it was agreed that Councillor Mitchell would write a report of members thoughts to be sent to the planning department
  1. B/21/0092 – (Due 24 April) - Proposed change of use of land for the siting of 6no. holiday lodges at Wyberton House, Streetway, Wyberton, Boston, PE21 7AH
  • There were no objections and it was noted that the wood cladding looked good also the architect's design however they would like a condition that these are for seasonal use and NOT residential and that the members  also agree with the environment agency's report 
  1. B/21/0090 – (Due 25 April) - Siting of 10 no. Static Caravans for holiday use at Meadowvale Touring Park, Five House Lane, Wyberton, Boston, PE21 7JA
  • The members wanted it clarified that these 10 units would not increase the total number of units already on the site and that these are for seasonal use and NOT residential


  1. Clerk’s report on outstanding matters
  1. Small Grant policy: To be discussed and resolved and adopted
  • On proposal from Councillor S Ransome and seconded by Councillor Sharp, with no objections all resolved to adopt them as the parish council’s Small Grant Policy
  1. Grant policy application form: To be discussed and resolved and adopted
  • On proposal from Councillor S Ransome and seconded by Councillor Mitchell, with no objections all resolved adopt it as the Parish Councils grant application form
  1. Litter picking and bins
  • A working group was set up with Councillors R Austin and Sharp







  1. Parish hall
  1. Painting
  • The painters are starting in the main hall on Monday 26 April
  • The moss removers will start on Friday 30 April and have quoted £112 for pressure washing the path, all agreed to this price. Councillor S Ransome will speak with the Clerk about when the path should be cleaned.
  • It was agreed not to replace the kick boards of the internal doors at this time


  1. Correspondence and requests received
  1. FOI Request
  • It was agreed that Councillor Sharp would send an answer to the Clerk
  1. Replacement Clerk
  • The Clerk reminded the members that she is only here as a consultant to help them until they find a replacement and that an advert for the vacancy should be placed in the notice board soon. This was agreed.
  • The Clerk was asked to check the job description


  1. Next meeting – To be discussed
  • It was agreed to bring forward the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual meeting of the Parish Council, holding them on the same day/night on either the 4, 5 or 6 May 2021.
  • The Clerk to contact Councillor Abbot for availability and set a day and time


There was one-minute silence in remembrance to H.R.H Prince Philip




The meeting closed at 8:50pm






[1] Video conference under “The Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority Meetings) (England) Regulations   2020

[2] Members of the public and press were invited to join the meeting by using the link or contacting the Clerk before 3pm on the day of the meeting.