February 2022 Agenda

Mrs Val Austin – Clerk - Wyberton Community Centre, 295 London Road, Wyberton, PE21 7DE

Telephone: 01205 351450

Email: wybertonparishcouncil@clerk.com


Mrs Val Austin – Clerk - Wyberton Community Centre, 295 London Road, Wyberton, PE21 7DE

Telephone: 01205 351450
Email: wybertonparishcouncil@clerk.com

Minutes taken by Val Austin Clerk, at the meeting of Wyberton Parish Council, which was held on Tuesday 8th February 2022 at 7:00pm in Wyberton Community Centre 

(These minutes will be checked at the next meeting before the council amends/approves them as a correct record)

Present: Councillor Mike Sharp (Chairman), Councillor Richard Austin, Councillor Steve Slater, Councillor Paul Skinner, Councillor Alison Austin, Councillor Hev Ainsworth (Co-opted) Councillor Paul Lote (Co-opted)

Public forum

One member of the public was present.

The meeting started at 7.pm

1.   Chairman’s remarks:  Welcome to everyone.

2.   Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting – Not received any

3.   Co-Opting 

i.   To consider the applications for the casual vacancies on the council & co-opt new councillors

The chairman proposed & was seconded by Cllr Richard Austin, & all agreed for the appointment via Co-opting of Ms Heather (Hev) Ainsworth & Mr Paul Lote.

ii.   To receive the signed acceptance of office from the newly co-opt councillors.

Cllr Hev Ainsworth & Cllr Paul Lote signed the necessary paperwork, in the presence of the Proper Officer of the Council (The clerk) 

4.   Declarations of interest (if any): To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests – No Interest
5.   Notes of the Parish Council meetings held on Tuesday 11th January 2022: To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes. On proposal from Cllr R Austin & seconded by Cllr S Slater & with no objections, all resolved to accept them as a correct record of the meeting & gave permission for the chairman to sign them.

6.   Lincolnshire County and Boston Borough Councillors

1   - Lincolnshire County Councillor Mrs A Austin – 

i.   The clerk received an email from a resident regarding West End Road & Tytton Lane West on 13th January 2022 with concerns.

West End Road – Vehicles using this road for 7.5 tonne including buses (the resident will contact Brylaine directly) Junction of Tytton Lane West, a dangerous corner with it being blind to oncoming traffic, the resident is requesting a mirror for a better view down West End Road.

Councillor A Austin, replied in an email dated January 18th 2022 with regard to the compliant.

In short, mirrors are not used at junctions, suggested that The Clerk contact the Road Safety Partnership for ideas / recommendations. 

ii.   Main priority, The footpath along West End Road, towards Chain Bridge.

This is an ongoing project & finding the funds.

iii.   Potholes, there are too many to count, advised to contact FIXMYSTREET, if nothing is done to chase fix my street by signing up on the website. To receive a reference number, to chase this up.

iv.   Quadrant stage Q1 – Still roadworks, planning stage not a highways matter, part of development & not yet ready.

v.   Q2 – Plans in place for another road into Marsh Lane, to relieve access. No further details.
2.- Boston Borough Councillor Mr R Austin 

i.   Cllr R Austin attended a meeting on the 25th January 2022 with regards to empowering healthy living. The parish council might be able to get more funding, something to look into.

3   - Boston Borough Councillor Mr P Skinner – All going well, but no more to add at this stage.

7:   Reports from Members of the Council including the Clerk

a)   Grant Scheme for Wyberton Booklet: Update required: Cllr M Sharp, dealing with this project, it will now become a Spring information booklet, showing local facilities i.e., Schools, doctors, pubs, restaurants etc. – Still in progress, aiming to get the booklet out before the 8th March 2022.

i.   Community Action Group – To discuss – Reinstating a community action group, insurance & registration. It was agreed by all to leave for now.

b)   Boston Borough Council Pole Lights – Yarborough Road: Update works completed 6th January 2022. – Advised to council work had been completed, item to be removed from Agenda.

c)   Name of the Hall & New Signs & Gates:  Update: The hall to be renamed in the new year, with Boston Borough Council. A new sign with the new name has been added to the front of the centre. The gates / information board is being looked into by Councillor P Lote, update next meeting. 

d)   Compost Bin for Garden – To discuss: Councillor R Austin, to advise on the best option for the parish hall, Cllr R Austin advised that it is a work in progress. Councillor P Lote to meet with Councillor R Austin to look at the system in place at his home. Councillors Austin & Lote to advise at next meeting.

e)   Repairs for / to Hall – Update: Work on the gutters, trees & moss removal has been completed. The tarmac has been repaired outside of main kitchen door, this has been levelled out with new tarmac, to avoid any trips. Header tank work completed, also work on the hot water (the hall did not have any) Work was required on the men’s toilet as this was leaking, needed a new pan as there was a crack in back pipes. The clerk is waiting for a quote on the facia work. The clerk has also received a quote for £900 approx. for the blinds in the main hall as they are not to fire regulations. Councillor H Ainsworth to arrange for another blind company to quote for the work in the main hall. To hold till the quote comes in with regards to the work being carried out. The clerk to go ahead with the best quote. Agreed by all councillors.

f)   Community Coffee Mornings – Update: Our first Tea & Coffee morning was a success, & was attended by the Mayor & Mayoress, also present the Parish Councillors. The clerk was asked about the BINGO & The Christmas Lunch at the hall. It was agreed by all Councillors that the Christmas lunch be included in the Christmas committee which will be set up by residents.    
Bingo, to be put on the public meeting in March 2022.                     

g)   Grass Cutting: Update: Parthian Avenue, nearest London Road to be cut more regularly.

The clerk has contacted LHP still no response. Cllr R Austin stated the grass cutting along the A16 (Winter Way) LCC own the land, Cllr R Austin thought it should be cut for children’s play area (ball games) to consider if the parish council could take this over, the parish council would like to get the residents views. Cllrs Sharp & Slater to go & look at the land, it was agreed that the land would not be suitable for a play area. LHP have sent their yearly schedule through, for mowing. To encourage householders to cut their own bit of grass in front of their homes.

h)   Doors Bryline: Update & Discuss: The big blue doors painted to reflect the history of the parish, example with a portrait. Cllr Slater to speak with Brylaine.

A story of the village on the doors, could the Art department at Boston College be involved. To also speak to Nick Jones, Transported Arts Group department.

Councillor S Slater has been in contact with Brylaine’s director & they have given the go ahead, but has asked if we wait until springtime. To decide what is going to be added to the doors, Councillor S Slater to deal with & report back to full council.

i)   Queens Jubilee: Update & Discuss:  Wyberton Parish Council plans, for the Queens Jubilee. Councillors are due a meeting on the 1st February 2022 with Wyberton Social Club.

It was agreed with the social club for activities to happen over the four-day bank holiday, including supporting the big lunch, service of Thanksgiving, streaming the day on the Tea & Coffee morning in the Community Centre. 

j)   Centre of the Village & Ideas for the village – To discuss – Focal point in the village. There was nothing going on in Wyberton at Christmas, compared to other villages. 

i.   Best Decorated house competition

ii.   Christmas Trees in the village

iii.   Children from the local schools to be involved.

iv.   Christmas committee to be set up

v.   November Poppies around the village

vi.   Best Dressed Scare Santa (Scarecrows) 

vii.   Social media drive needed

Councillor S Slater advised that he is aware of 8-9 people are interested in setting up a residents committee for Christmas to implement some of the above ideas.

k)   Parthian Avenue bus shelter – To discuss, the roof of the bus shelter needs maintenance work

The clerk to write to Boston Borough council with the help of Councillor R Austin. Update next meeting. 

l)   Sponsorship of The Community Centre – It was agreed that due to being a public body, the community centre could not be sponsored.  

m)   Village entry signage - To discuss – Installing village entry / exiting gates (White five bar) along the main road into, out of Wyberton. 

Councillor S Slater states the gates will show a pride in the community, to give Wyberton an identity. Councillor P Skinner advised that permission would need to be granted before installing the gates, via Highways at Boston Borough Council.

To decide where the gates could go, along A16, A52, it was mentioned that there are five main roads into Wyberton. 

n)   Open meeting with residents – Invitation to Michelle Sacks on why you would want to join the parish council. To be added to the community meeting on the 8th March 2022.

8   . Finance   

a.   Approve Payments of Accounts – On proposal from Cllr R Austin & seconded by 

Cllr S Slater & with no objections all resolved to approve the payments.

b.   Bank statements: Updated figures were shown to all councillors.

c.   Bank Mandate: Lloyd’s bank will not speak with the clerk with regards to the mandate as the clerk is not a signatory on the bank. Councillor M Sharp to contact the bank.

9.   Planning matters: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the Borough Council - To include those received between the day of posting this notice and the day of the meeting – 

No planning matters received.

10.   Correspondence received – All emails sent to the relevant councillors by email.

Next Meeting:

Tuesday 8th March 2022, Annual Parish Meeting (APM) for the residents 
Tuesday 12th April 2022, Monthly Parish Meeting 
Tuesday 10th May 2022, Annual Meeting of the Council (AMC) 
Tuesday 10th May 2022, Monthly Parish Meeting.

Meeting closed at 9pm. – The member of the public was asked to leave to discuss a closed session.

Closed Session

To discuss personal matters. – Start of closed session at 9pm – Closed session finished at 9.04pm.