November 2023 DRAFT Minutes
Mrs Val Austin, Clerk, Wyberton Community Centre, 295 London Road, Wyberton, PE21 7DE
Telephone: 01205 351450
Minutes taken by The Clerk Mrs Val Austin for the Parish Council meeting at Wyberton Parish Council, which was held on Wednesday 8th November 2023 at 7pm in Wyberton Community Centre
(These minutes will be checked at the next meeting before the council amends/approves them as a correct record)
Present: Cllr Mike Sharp (Chair), Cllr Jason Stevenson (Vice Chair), Cllr Richard Austin, Cllr John Smith, Cllr Heather Ainsworth, Cllr Steve Slater, Cllr Maxine Stones & the Clerk Val Austin.
3 Members of the public were present.
The meeting was called to order at 19:00pm
1. Chairman to open meeting: Welcome all & welcome to the members of public.
2. Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting:
No absences
3. Public Forum: To resolve to suspend the meeting for a maximum of 10 minutes to allow members of the public to ask questions or make short statements to the council.
• 3 Members of the public were present.
• 2 Members from The Quadrant with concerns for the 16 EV Chargers by their premises. Cllr Mike Sharp advised the members to contact Boston Borough Council Planning Department directly with their concerns.
• Cllr Mike Sharp advised that the councillors also have objected to the planning due to several issues with the EV Chargers.
• 1 member of public was observing the meeting.
4. Declarations of interest (if any): To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests: - No Interests declared
5. Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 11th October 2023- To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes.
• All councillors agreed for the chair Cllr Mike Sharp to sign the minutes.
6. Lincolnshire County and Boston Borough Councillors – Reports to be sent to The Clerk before the meeting.
a) Cllr Mrs Alison Austin: Not present- Report send via email before the meeting, see annex A below.
b) Cllr Mr Richard Austin:
• Christmas light switch on 24th November, will be a four-day event
c) Cllr Mr Chris Mountain: Not present, no report issued.
7. Update from the Community Centre Committee meeting
a. The Clerk to get quotes for a built-in noticeboard at the front of the community centre.
Have met with several contractors and awaiting quotes – Ongoing
b. Security Camera’s - Installation date late November 2023
8: Update on Items from previous agendas:
8.1 - LHP Land Parthian Avenue Village Green / Play Area – Ongoing –
The clerk emailed all councillors with the decision from the Grassroots panel, fund awarded with conditions.
8.1.1 – Councillors to decide on which contractor they will be using for the Play Area.
• All councillors resolved to go with Kompan for the play equipment
• The clerk to contact all the companies that quoted to inform them of the councillors’ decisions.
• Cllr Richard Austin – Advised that the next stage would be for a Pre-Planning Application, Cllr Austin to advise at next meeting of the outcome.
• The clerk to find other funding for the play area.
8.2 Footway Lighting – Update (Cllr R Austin) - The clerk contacted Old Leake Parish Council for an update, still awaiting a reply.
• Cllr Richard Austin advised that there were no further updates from Old Leake Parish Council with regards to a group meeting - Ongoing
8.2.1 Cllr Steve Slater – To speak to neighbour regarding the lamp post
• Cllr Steve Slater advised that the neighbour reported the damage to LCC.
• LCC have made the lamppost safe and they are aware of the problem, the resident requires the light back up and working.
• Cllr Richard Austin will enquire with Cllr Alison Austin
8.3 Website – Update – Cllr Jason Stevenson to update on progress
• Cllr Jason Stevenson has sent all the councillors a link to provide information for the website.
• Once the website has been built up, it will go live.
8.4 The Memorial Plaque – The clerk has been in contact with Hutson’s, they will contact the clerk when the plaque is ready to collect.
8.5 Wyberton Parish Gates – Frampton Parish Council have been in contact with Chris Faulkner querying the position of the gates.
• Cllr Mike Sharp is meeting with Frampton Chair and Chris Faulkner on the 22nd November to discuss the issue.
8.6 Wyberton Primary School – Lollipop Person – The clerk has been in contact with the school, waiting for a reply regarding helping with advertising. Cllr Steve Slater has advertised the vacancy on a Facebook page.
8.7 Speeding – Fen Road and London Road – The clerk has been in contact with Highways for both roads and still awaiting a response.
• Cllr Mike Sharp will mention this on the meeting on the 22nd November 2023
8.8 Wyberton Recognition Award Scheme – Cllr Steve Slater – Update required from previous meeting.
• Cllr Steve Slater, would like a letter of Thanks from the parish council, Cllr Slater feels this is enough at this stage.
• Cllr Mike Sharp, advised to let the clerk know who the recognition would go to.
8.8.1- Cllr Maxine Stones – Update – Health & Fitness class – Update
• Cllr Maxine Stones to look into further and update when more information available.
8.9 Locations for making a difference – Update required from previous meeting
• Cllr John Smith has been in contact with an artist who is willing to help with the telephone boxes in the village, Cllr Smith and Cllr Stevenson to work together on this.
8.10 Community Crest – Cllr Steve Slater requested an update on the crest.
• Cllr John Smith will be taking the lead on this project and will update when he has more information.
8.11 Hi Viz Vests for Wyberton Primary School – Update, the clerk contacted LALC with regards to this, the response is: The Parish council do not have the power to contribute to an educational establishment. You can donate as a resident, but not as the parish council.
• Cllr Mike Sharp to speak to the school and update when more information is available.
8.12 Change of Road Sign Parish Hall / Community Centre. – Update, the clerk has received a reply regarding the signage for the parish hall sign being removed and community centre in its place. The cost for the change would be approx. £500.00, The clerk has requested a quote for the actual cost. Alternatively, the sign can be removed with no cost, if the parish council feel that the sign is not required any longer.
• All councillors agreed to the signage, with a bigger sign
• The clerk to get a quote for the works
9: Councillors to discuss & resolve the following items:
9.1 Woodside Grass Cutting – Cllr Mike Sharp – The parish council authorised 2 years’ worth of cuts at Woodside. This agreement expires in November 2023
• Cllr Mike Sharp to draft a letter to the residents, regarding the cutting of the grass in this area
9.2 Police Involvement in Parish – Cllr John Smith – Not enough police presence in the community.
• The clerk to contact the local PCSO
• Cllr Maxine Stones to contact her contact and ask for them to attend a meeting.
9.3 Newsletter – Cllr Steve Slater – Would like to see a newsletter for the Parish Council. See below for further details. Annex A.
• Cllr Steve Slater has someone that will do the newsletter, 4 times a year, a simple factual, newsletter with facts and useful numbers.
• Cllr Steve Slater will put together a sample newsletter for the next parish council meeting
9.4 Sheet boards by the clerk’s office - The sheets by the office x6 were left behind by a party back in July 23, they are in good condition, should the sheets be sold via Marketplace on Facebook or similar and funds added back to the community centre for events? Price?
• Cllrs agreed to selling the sheets, the clerk to deal
10: Finance
10.1: Approve Payments of Accounts
All councillors resolved for Cllr Mike Sharp to sign the payment list
Payments to be made November 2023 - £7,675.35
Payments made in between meetings. - £978.08
Receipts received from 12th October to 13th November 2023 - £1,268.50
10.2: Bank statements – Dated 8th November 2023
Treasures Balance £20,938.97
Business Bank Insta £93,835.12
10.3. Set up a Fixed Term Deposit Account – From 3 months to 2 years, a deposit of £10k or more, cannot take out of account until the term has ends. Interest rates depending on amount of deposit and length of term: From 2% up to 3.60% - See below Annex B
Several councillors not in favour of setting this up
10.4 Debit Card – Update: The bank has confirmed that as the clerk is not a signatory, they are unable to have a debit card in their name, The clerk contact Cllr Mike Sharp to contact the bank to add the clerk as a signatory, and to remove the old signatories from the account and to add new signatories to the account
Cllr Mike Sharp dealing with, update with further information when available
11: Planning matters: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the Borough Council – The parish clerk has delegated authority to respond to planning applications, in consultation with the councillors via email.
To include those received between the day of posting this notice and the day of the meeting
B/23/0363 – No Objections received – The clerk advised the borough council.
B/23/0352 – Objections received from Cllrs and members of the public, the clerk has advised BBC
Next Meeting: Wednesday 13th December 2023 – at 7pm
From Councillors for possible next agenda items:
1. Cllr Steve Slater mentioned The Wildcats Women’s football team, asking for funding for the coach to Birmingham.
Cllr’s not in favour of the donations
Cllr Mike Sharp advised not on the agenda cannot be discussed.
2. Cllr Mike Sharp, would like to re-instate The United Trust (Charity of Wyberton)
With no other matters the meeting closed at 20:37pm
Item 6 – A – Cllr Alison Austin Report – Annex A
Please accept my apologies for the meeting of Wyberton Parish Council tomorrow evening. Please see my comments below.
There is nothing new to report relating to Wyberton because the work relating to West End Road should have been completed by tomorrow and has been well advertised and circulated. However, as this relates to Anglian Water, I am not too confident that they will have necessarily re-opened the road again.
FYI, it is acknowledged by Highways officers at LCC that Anglian Water have a bad reputation as regards leaving barriers around holes once the work has been supposedly completed.
There have been numerous incidents regarding overweight vehicles using unsuitable roads such as Tytton Lane East (East) in place of the recognised diversions during the works on the A16 and causing gridlock.
This is a Police matter but regretfully we all know that ringing 101 is like waiting for getting to the front of the queue when you want a doctor’s appointment. The issue is usually solved long before you reach that point.
Please note, do NOT ring 999 for these kinds of traffic incidents.
Kind regards
Alison Austin
Cllr Alison Austin
Boston South Division
Lincolnshire County Council
07731 690034