August 2022 Minutes

Wyberton Parish Council

Minutes taken by Val Austin Clerk, at the meeting of Wyberton Parish Council, which was held on Tuesday 9th August 2022 at 7pm in Wyberton Community Centre
(These minutes will be checked at the next meeting before the council amends/approves them as a correct record)

Present: Cllr Mike Sharp (Chairman), Cllr Steve Slater, Cllr Paul Lote, (arrived 19.03pm), Cllr John Smith, Cllr Jason Stevenson. & The Clerk Val Austin.

One member of the public was present. The meeting was called to order at 7pm.

1. Chairman to open the meeting / Remarks:

Hello & Welcome to you all, & the guest listening in.

Please keep a look out for your neighbours, especially the elderly in this hot weather

2. Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting:

Cllr Hev Ainsworth, sent apologises, unwell.

Cllr Richard Austin, no apologises received.

3. Public Forum: To resolve to suspend the meeting for a maximum of 10 minutes to allow members of the public to ask questions or make short statements to the council. One member of the public was present.

4. Declarations of interest (if any): To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests: No interest was declared.

5. Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 12th July 2022- To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes. With no objections, Cllr S Slater proposed & Cllr J Stevenson seconded, to resolve to accept the minutes as a correct record of the meeting & gave permission for the chairman to sign the minutes.

 The councillors discussed the report Appendix AA0722 from 12th July 2022 meeting.The councillors oppose the plans that have been put forward. The councillors would like to hold a public meeting at the Community Centre, to discuss the plans. All councillors in favour of a public meeting.

6. Lincolnshire County and Boston Borough Councillors: Both councillors not present.

7. Updates – For Information only:

The alarm company GBSG are coming to install the extra alarms on 16th & 17th September.
The benches have arrived, to decide where they are to situated.
The councillors agreed that the benches need to be bolted down to stop theft.
Councillor M Sharp to speak to the company that installed the flagpole hole to see if they will come in to bolt the benches.

Cllr S Slater suggested that one of the benches be placed in a public place, i.e., where the Covid memorial tree is planted.

Cllr M Sharp suggested to Cllr S Slater to show a map of the area to where more benches could be placed. The clerk to contact the insurance company to see if our insurance covers outdoor spaces. Cllr M Sharp mentioned that there was a bench outside of the Spar shop, which unfortunately was damaged by a delivery driver, the Spar Shop was going to replace the bench, the clerk to contact the Spar Shop to find out what is happening with the replacement bench.

Update: Carpark line marking: - No date as yet for when work will begin.

Newsletter – Work in progress – Update (Cllr’s S Slater & M Sharp)

Cllr S Slater spoke to Kirton regarding the newsletter & they have said they are unable to take on another parish due to the workload involved.

Cllr S Slater – Can we advertise locally or contact the college to see if they can help

Cllr M Sharp – Need a magazine that is well printed, but cheaply run, with advertising for the magazine.

The Member of the public, mentioned they know someone that maybe interested, will let the clerk know.

Outdoor key box has been installed: Unfortunately, one of the digits has malfunctioned, the clerk has contacted the supplier & they are sending a new key box & coming on Thursday 11th August 2022, am, to remove the damaged box & replace with the new box & to re-set the code.

Christmas festival – Update: This is work in progress. There is a public meeting on the 10th August 22 at the community centre to discuss plans etc. Update at next meeting.

8. Report from Wyberton Community Centre Committee held on 25th July 2022 For recommendation & to resolve at the full council meeting.

Regular Hirers charges – The committee agreed to £13.50 an hour with effect from the 1st September 2022.

Cllr M Sharp mentioned that he would like to see the community centre become self-supporting over time.

It was resolved that the new price for regular users would be £13.50 an hour with effect from the 1st September 2022, the clerk to write to the users.

Noticeboards – Councillor John Smith spoke to the Coop; they are happy for the noticeboard to be erected outside the coop. Cllr Smith to take measurements for the size required. Councillor Jason Stevenson is working on the sign for the noticeboard to be placed at the front of the community centre.

Cllr J Smith, measured the space for the noticeboard, being 1metre wide x however big is required. To be wall mounted. The clerk to look into noticeboards

Cllr M Sharp, is dealing with the damaged perspex at the Spar shop noticeboard.

Smoking – The committee decided to monitor the situation.

Cllr J Smith mentioned that there has only been one complaint with regards to the smoking at the community centre.

Cllr M Sharp suggested moving the ashtray to the external wall under the ladies’ toilets.

First Impression – Of the Community Centre.

All councillors agreed to remove the swing gate, as not required due to being able to access the carpark via the Brylaine road, running parallel along the community centre entrance.

The councillors have agreed to a Private Property No Parking sign at the front of the property. The clerk to find out the cost of the sign.

Bike stands – The committee recommend the removal of the concrete stands & replace with wall mounted.

Cllr M Sharp, asked if the current stands were flush with the pavement, which they are not & are a trip hazard.

All councillors agreed to remove the old concrete stands & replace with metal wall mounted stands, agreed to purchase 4 stands. At a cost of 29.22 each Inc. VAT, total cost £116.88.

Installation would be done by Cllr John Smith

Lights around hall – Update: The committee recommended & discussed replacing the old- fashioned lighting around the community centre & the meeting room to LED bulkhead (energy saving) lighting.

Cllr M Sharp, asked if they were needed at all, as they are not attractive.

Cllr P Lote, mentioned that the side lights are used for mood lighting, for classes like Pilates & Yoga.

All councillors agreed to purchase the new LED energy saving lights. 20 units from Wickes. Cllr S Slater will speak to Wickes to see if they can offer a discount for the lights. This does not include installation.

More storage space –: The committee discussed & recommended to make better use of the space within the kitchens.

Hazard Cupboard – The committee discussed & recommended, the necessary training for both the clerk & the caretaker (online course). The clerk to find out prices. This is work in progress.

Cllr J Smith recommended a Flammable sign for the garage.

Flags for pole – Update: The committee discussed & recommended four different flags,

Lincolnshire Flag

Christmas Flag

Remembrance Flag

St Georges Flag

Each flag is 183x91cm at a cost of (approx.) £38.50 each.

Cllr M Sharp, mentioned that the Union Jack flag is standard as Wyberton Parish Council are a local authority & do not need to change the flag.

Cllr S Slater, mentioned Lincolnshire Day, to be able to fly the flag on the different occasions, to make the village stand out, to be leaders, instead of just having one flag flying constantly.

This item is on hold for now.

Village crest – The committee discussed & recommended, the following ideas for the crest. Full council recommended.

The Pin Cushion Pub (Oldest landmark)

Football Stadium

Wyberton Church

Wyberton Primary School

Cllr J Smith showed the councillors a work in progress draft of the crest. Cllr M Sharp mentioned, actual images on a large scale for a road sign, possibly featuring Droves, Geese, Sheep, Chain Bridge being from the 12th Century. Work in progress.

The clerk mentioned that more shelving is required in the cupboards by the ladies’ toilets, also to purchase storage boxes, for the removal of items from the kitchen that are not used.

Decorations Community Centre – The committee discussed & recommended, the following. Full council recommended.

The clerk to get quotes for prices of outside sockets for the front & back of the property.

Quote for an Isolator switch for the dishwasher & fridges - Have received only one quote so far, expecting another electrician to quote on Wednesday 10th August 22. Cllr M Sharp to supply telephone numbers for a couple more electricians.

The clerk to get a list together for what Christmas decorations would be needed for in & outside of the community centre – Work in progress.

Family Fun Day – Summer Pottery Painting.

The committee discussed & recommended, the following.

a family fun day to be organised next year, to see the outcome of the Christmas event.

Cllr J Stevenson mentioned Endeavor FM radio will do advertising of the Community Centre & Coffee morning, advertising 12 times a day, equivalent to 9p an advert. Cllr M Sharp, asked how long the advertising would be for & when can they start? All councillors agreed to a three-month trail & to review

Men’s Toilets – The urinals are not flushing, the clerk has contacted the plumbers, waiting for a date for them to come & repair. Also, to look at the stuck tap in the ladies’ toilets.

Electric Charge Points – The clerk to contact Boston Borough Council, to see if the community centre can do this.

Cllr M Sharp:- Who will pay for the charge points & electricity, would require a company to run the charge points, to provide a service. Work in progress.

9. Councillors to discuss & resolve the following items.

a. Allerton Court – Tree planting – Update Cllr R Austin. – No update

b. Farmers Market – To discuss & update:

Cllr S Slater mentioned that the market is staying where they are for now. Boston market is out of date & not what it used to be.

The clerk to chase up Boston Borough Council, to see if Wyberton can hold markets, table top sales, fayres etc at the community centre.

c. Communications – To discuss & resolve: Cllr Jason Stevenson, has received quotes for various prices, for the setup of a website & Council Brand. (See email dated 26 July 22)

Quote A - £2250 plus VAT – Estimated

Quote B - £3500 plus VAT – Estimated

Quote C - £2800 plus VAT – Estimated

Cllr Jason Stevenson, mentioned the benefits of having a parish website, compared to the council backed website.

Cllr S Slater & Cllr M Sharp, asked for a presentation of the website, Cllr J Stevenson to arrange with Quote C, to do the presentation at the next meeting.

Cllr J Smith, mentioned that the website could sell advertising space.

d. Guttering & Facias – To discuss & resolve: The clerk has contacted several contractors (mainly via my builder) and has only received two responses back.

Quote A - £6960 plus VAT – Rosewood - £5740 plus VAT – White.

Quote B - £5800. No VAT – Rosewood - £4600 No VAT – White.

A third contractor is due on Wednesday 10th August 22 to quote.

To be added to September Agenda.

e. Parthian Avenue – How would the councillors like to see this land utilised. As per the email dated 27th July 2022.

It was agreed by all councillors for Cllr S Slater to look further into & bring back to full council in September 22 with more details.

f. Village Warden – To discuss & resolve – To carry out various tasks around the village & community centre. Help maintain & improve the local area.

Cllr M Sharp, mentioned the legal implications to having a warden & would the insurance cover this. Do the residents agree to a warden?

Cllr J Stevenson, mentioned at least 60 parish councils have wardens.

Cllr S Slater, wants the warden to be proactive, to be seen to be doing something within the village & to have pride in the village.

Cllr S Slater, to bring to full council in September with update.

g. Area around Village – To discuss: Cllr S Slater has broken down the 4 areas as follows

All councillors have agreed to visit Area 1, before the next meeting to see what is needed to be done in that area.

Area 1: everything north of A52

Area 2 everything north of the B1397 old A16

Area 3 everything between old and new A16

Area 4: everything south/west of new A16

10. Finance

Approve Payments of Accounts – Total Payments to be made, £4598.51, Total Receipts received. £749.00

Bank statements – Shown to all councillors dated 9th August 2022.

11. Planning matters:

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the Borough Council – To include those received between the day of posting this notice and the day of the meeting.

B/22/0259 – 1 Parthian Ave PE21 7DE – LPG Skid Installation / Drop Kerb / Shipping container for personal items.
All councillors have reservations on these plans. With Location, Safety Aspect, what is the container going to be used for? Total lack of information on the plans. The clerk to contact planning to advise.
12. Next Meeting: Tuesday 13th September 2022, at 6.30pm - Monthly Parish Meeting

With no other matters the meeting closed at 21.26pm