June 2022 Minutes
Mrs Val Austin, Clerk, Wyberton Community Centre, 295 London Road, Wyberton, PE21 7DE
Telephone: 01205 351450
Email: wybertonparishcouncil@clerk.com
Minutes taken by Val Austin Clerk, at the meeting of Wyberton Parish Council, which was held on Tuesday 14th June 2022 at 7pm in Wyberton Community Centre
(These minutes will be checked at the next meeting before the council amends/approves them as a correct record)
Present: Cllr Mike Sharp (Chairman), Cllr Hev Ainsworth (Vice Chair), Cllr Richard Austin, Cllr Steve Slater, Cllr John Smith, Cllr Jason Stevenson. County Councillor Alison Austin, (arrived 19.06pm & left 19.31pm) & The Clerk Val Austin.
No members of the public were present.
The meeting was called to order at 7pm.
1. Chairman to open the meeting / Remarks:
Hello & Welcome to you all.
Thank you for the help with the Jubilee weekend, which was successful.
The two coffee mornings were successful with the big screen, which was effective.
Thursday at Wyberton Sports & Social club was not so successful.
Sunday, with the picnic in the garden went inside due to the adverse weather, the entertainer was excellent & did not charge for his services. Due to the weather the bouncy castle company cancelled. The Clerk to contact the company for a refund.
There was a lot of activities going on throughout the areas & in Boston,
Thank you all again for your help with making this event a success.
2. Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting:
Cllr Paul Lote on holiday – Sent email 13th June 2022
3. Public Forum: To resolve to suspend the meeting for a maximum of 10 minutes to allow members of the public to ask questions or make short statements to the council.
No members of the public were present.
4. Declarations of interest (if any): To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests: No interest was declared.
5. Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 10th May 2022- To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes. On proposal from Cllr Richard Austin & seconded by Cllr Steve Slater & with no objections, all resolved to accept them as a correct record of the meeting & gave permission for the chairman to sign the minutes.
6. Lincolnshire County and Boston Borough Councillors
i. Cllr Mrs Alison Austin:
Cllr Alison Austin, mentioned on arrival to the community centre, she was engulfed by cigarette smoke due to smoking by the door of the centre, Cllr Mike Sharp asked for this to be added to the next Committee meeting to discuss.
Lincolnshire show is back on the 22nd & 23rd June, it is late notice, but Cllr Alison Austin said all would be welcome to come along.
Highways: Ongoing wish to reduce the speed limit from the Spirit of Endeavour to 40 miles an hour.
The light control crossing (A16) is still being working on.
West End Road, to close the gap but due to money this is ongoing.
Cllr Alison Austin drove around with vice chair of highways, Vice chair was surprised on how many cars use West End Road.
Cllr S Slater mentioned that the speeding report was out of date, Cllr A Austin is working on it, this is on going.
Cllr A Austin visited Endeavour Academy which is a special needs school, was very impressed.
Cllr Alison Austin left at 19.31pm
ii. Cllr Mr Richard Austin
Mentioned Railway footbridge – Watch this space
Residents are invited to have their say on how the £2.2million is to be used, to speak to Cllr Richard Austin with ideas.
Cyden homes have outlined permission approved.
7: Report from Wyberton Community Centre Committee held on 30th May 2022
The below was noted by full council.
• Cllr P Lote was voted as chairman for the community centre committee.
• Quote for the Alarm was discussed & councillors recommended to go ahead with installation of the office & PGS alarm.
It was resolved by full council for options 1 & 2, alarm in the office & PGS to be linked to the main alarm system. The clerk to arrange.
Key holders for the hall will be Cllr John Smith & Cllr S Slater, also the caretaker.
• The councillors agreed to The Traditional benches from Marmax with plaques for the Queens jubilee for the community garden. Cost of the Traditional bench is £329 not including the plaques & VAT. (As agreed in the May 2022 parish meeting)
Total cost of the benches & plaques would be approx. £910.00 (inc VAT)
It was resolved for the clerk to arrange the purchase of the benches & plaques.
• The clerk to contact roofing / facia / guttering companies for quotes.
• Cllr S Slater to speak to Kirton regarding incorporating Wyberton with their newsletter.
Cllr S Slater has spoken to Kirton regarding their newsletter, & will continue to deal with the matter. Will be updated at next full council meeting.
• The Councillors recommended that the clerk to look at purchasing the kitchen items.
It was resolved that the clerk will arrange to purchase the items.
• Hall prices for regular users to be reviewed in six months, to be increased from £12.50 an hour. A letter to be sent to all regular users advising of increases from the 1st September
• Prices for the occasional users to be set as follows:
Children’s parties – min two hours - £15.00
Parties – Main hall - min two hours - £16.00
Hire of any two rooms - £20.00
Hire of any three rooms - £25.00
The pricing was resolved at full council.
• Key access for councillors in case of emergencies, the clerk to find out if this will invalidate the insurance. The insurance company have advised that the alarm key would not be allowed under the insurance terms & conditions.
It was resolved at full council that the alarm code would not be in the box,
The clerk to arrange for the purchase of the key box, as mentioned previously Cllr’s J Smith & Cllr S Slater along with the caretaker will be keyholders.
• The noticeboard at the front of the community centre was discussed & Cllr S Slater to visit central park to look at their board & advise. The board at Spar to find out where to get replacement perspex.
Cllr M Sharp to find out the company for the repair of the perspex.
Cllr J Stevenson to design a poster for the noticeboard for regular users at the centre, to be placed at the front of community centre, by the gate.
Cllr J Smith to speak to the Co-op manager about using their outside wall for one of the noticeboards.
• Councillors discussed the garden maintenance, to see if there is anyone cheaper than the current gardener.
Cllr S Slater & Cllr M Sharp to speak to two gardeners that are cheaper than we pay at present.
• It was resolved that the caretaker will stack away the tables to avoid any further accidents from happening.
After speaking to the caretaker, they are happy for this arrangement.
8: Reports / updates from Councillors / including the clerk.
a) Grant Scheme for Wyberton Booklet: Update required: Cllr M Sharp, dealing with the Summer project.
Cllr M Sharp to speak to BBC with regards to this booklet Grant to be used against the parish magazine.
b) To discuss Highways boundary issue (64 Saundergate East) The clerk to send a letter to the occupier, requested by Cllr R Austin, with regards to a boarded fence along the tarmac footpath.
The clerk has received an email from Highways stating their thanks for bringing the matter to their attention & they have issued a reference number for the query.
The clerk has sent a letter to the occupier, not received any response.
c) Allerton Court – Tree planting – Update Cllr R Austin. –
Looking at specimen trees, further update at next meeting.
d) Christmas festival – Update – Cllr S Slater & Cllr H Ainsworth
Nothing to report.
e) Update: Carpark line marking:
The clerk has received two quotes,
Q1 £1914.00 (inc VAT) / Q2 £840.00 (inc VAT),
A show of hands vote was taken on whether the work was required to be carried out.
One councillor abstained from the vote, leaving five councillors to vote.
The vote counted five hands, & resolved for the work to do done.
The councillors went with Quote no 2.
f) To discuss: Paid events at the community centre, including film nights, quiz nights, comedy nights. Hosting craft fairs, wedding fairs. big screen for the world cup in November.
Licences would be required to have these events, the clerk to find out what is required.
Other suggestions, festivals, craft fairs. This is ongoing.
g) Update: The hedge has been removed from the side of the PGS, opening up the view, the fencing company have ordered the fence panels & waiting for a date for installation – No further update
9. Finance
a. Approve Payments of Accounts – Total Payments to be made, £6838.32,
Total Receipts received. £2575.68
b. Bank statements – Shown to all councillors dated 14th June 2022
c. FSCS Protection – Update: Nationwide Building Society accept councils, could put some funds in a high interest account.
To be referred to the Finance committee.
d. Bank Mandate: Update: Cllr M Sharp – To change the users on the mandate.
Cllr M Sharp is in the process of getting online banking to change the necessary users.
10. Planning matters: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the
Borough Council –
To include those received between the day of posting this notice and the day of the meeting
B/22/0179 – Change of use Plot 4 Endevour Park, Gilbert Drive, PE21 7TQ
No objections from the councillors for this application.
B/22/0178 – Convert Window at Wyberton Hse, Streetway, PE21 7AH
No objections from the councillors for this application.
B/22/0243 – Received after agenda published - Erection of detached outbuilding & proposed extension of existing lean to roof over bow window at 87, West End Rd, PE21 7LP
No objections from the councillors for this application.
11. Correspondence received – All emails sent to the relevant councillors by email.
12. Any other items to be discussed:
Cllr J Stevenson mentioned the parking issues at Scott Drive, with coaches parking along the roads, there being no access for emergency vehicles. Advised to contact the local PCSO.
There is also a shortage of litter bins on the Quadrant, Cllr S Slater dealing.
Cllr J Smith mentioned the conifers at Brylaine being overgrown & needs trimming or removing.
Cllr J Smith also mentioned the overgrown grass at Granville Ave & Parthian Avenue
Cllr R Austin suggested writing to the resident regarding this.
Next Meeting: Tuesday 12th July 2022, Monthly Parish Meeting.
With no other matters the meeting closed at 21.08pm