October 2021 Agenda

The next meeting of Wyberton Parish Council, which will be held on Tuesday 12 October 2021 at 7:00pm in Wyberton Parish Hall

V Austin   
Mrs Val Austin, Clerk to the Parish Council                
Tuesday, 5 October 2021

There will be a 10-minute public forum if needed at 7pm when members of the public may make short statements to the Council:


1.    Chairman’s remarks 

2.    Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting

3.    Police report

4.    Declarations of interest (if any): To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests
5.    Notes of the Parish Council meetings held on Tuesday 21 September 2021: To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes

6.    Lincolnshire County and Boston Borough Councillors

7.    Reports from Members of the council

a)    Winter grass cutting at Cuckoo Land: Update from Councillor R Austin

b)    Grant Scheme for booklet: Update from councillor Abbott

c)    Parking during football matches: Updates

d)    Litter bin request opposite the Coop: Update from Councillor Abbott

e)    Boston Borough Council Pole Lights: Update from councillor Sharp

f)    Dead end sign at Saundergate Park: Update from Councillor R Austin

g)    Streetlight Pole Bracket Bunkers Hill: Update from Councillor Sharp

8.    Finance

a)    Approve payment of accounts

i.    Staff and Consultants cost         £1200.01

ii.    Boston Borough Council         £804.00

iii.    Veolia (Rubbish Collection)         £66.60

iv.    Reimbursement for M Sharp     £34.00

v.    Reimbursement for V Austin     £23.40

b)    Bank statements

c)    Purchase of Computers: For the use of the Clerk/RFO and also the Hall Administrator: To discuss and resolve

d)    Bank Mandate: To approve and sign a mandate giving the Clerk online banking permission and 2 members read only online banking, request a debit card for purchasing of cleaning supplies for the hall.

e)    Mobile phone: To discuss and resolve the purchase/contract of a mobile phone for staff to use for council business.

f)    Petty Cash:  For small purchases, for the Hall, Office etc.

g)    Microsoft Word & Excel is read only on the office laptop & cannot make any changes, to purchase a licence would cost £79.99 per year. 

h)    To change the time of the month for salary payments for staff, to be at the beginning of the month, after the last payroll close down, around the 7th of the month. Any overtime to be adjusted in the following month,

9.    Planning matters: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the Borough Council - To include those received between the day of posting this notice and the day of the meeting

Application No: B/21/0436 -    Application under s73 for the variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans) attached to planning permission B/21/0025 (Development of 3.no dwellings) to include the construction of a garage on plot 3 at Land to the rear of Walcot, Ralphs Lane, Wyberton, Boston,  PE21 7AX

10.    Correspondence and requests received
a)    Name of the Hall: To discuss if the name should be changed and resolve

b)    Visibility of Parish Hall from the Road: To discuss

c)    Slimming World advert on gate: To discuss approval

11.    Next Meeting: 9 November 2021