November 2022 Agenda

The meeting of Wyberton Parish Council, which will be held on Thursday 10th November 2022 at 7pm in the meeting room at Wyberton Community Centre.  

Mrs Val Austin, Clerk to the Parish Council, Dated: November 4th 2022



1.  Chairman to open meeting for Agenda Items:

2.  Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting: 

3.  Public Forum: To resolve to suspend the meeting for a maximum of 10 minutes to allow members of the public to ask questions or make short statements to the council.

  1. Declarations of interest (if any): To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests:

       5.Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 11th October 2022- To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes.

  1. Communications: Cllr J Stevenson & DNA Studios: To receive information from Matt England at DNA Studios.
  1. Lincolnshire County and Boston Borough Councillors Comments
  1. Cllr Mrs Alison Austin:

        ii. Cllr Mr Richard Austin              

8:   Report from Wyberton Community Centre Committee held on Thursday 3rd November 2022

      For recommendation & to resolve at the full council meeting. See Annex A – To follow

9:   Update on Items from previous agendas:

  1. Football – A16: The clerk has written to LCC with regards to this matter, not heard back as yet.
  1. Christmas Festival –Cllr S Slater / Cllr H Ainsworth
  1. Christmas Decorations – In progress
  1.  Halloween Party – Update on the EventCllr H Ainsworth
  1. Guttering / Facias – Work to begin mid November 2022 (No actual date has been confirmed)
  1. Electricians – All of the work has been completed, waiting for a quote on prices for cost effective heaters & LED lighting in the main hall from the electrician that completed the work on the community centre.
  1. Carpark Signs: - In progress

10: Councillors to discuss & resolve the following items.

  1. Parthian Avenue – Cllr S Slater has drafted a letter to LHP regarding the land. Annex B – (below)
  1. Village Warden (Self Employed) – The clerk received from Swineshead Parish council a name of their contractor, passed the information to Cllr Steve Slater.
  1. Coronation Celebration - Cllr S Slater: How will Wyberton being celebrating the Kings coronation in May 2023, happy to join forces with Kirton & Frampton?
  1. Noticeboards – Cllr John Smith to confirm the measurements for the coop noticeboard, once confirmed the clerk to order the board.  To discuss what is required at the front of the community centre. Monolith, Totem or Freestanding.
  1. Calendar of events & 3 Year Plan – What do the residents want to see in the village? Have regular events for the residents to come & have their say.
  1. Village Crest – Cllr John Smith to update on design
  1. Code of Conduct: To be adopted: A copy will be sent to each councillor by email once adopted by the council. The code of conduct will also be on the website for guidance.


11. Finance

  1. Approve Payments of Accounts – To advise at meeting.
  1. Bank statements – dated 10th November 2022
  1. Draft Budget for 2022-2023


12. Planning matters:

      Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints               and  appeal decisions advised by the Borough Council –

       To include those received between the day of posting this notice and the day of the meeting.

  1. B/22/0431 – For a Food Store - Land South of Swineshead Road, Boston PE21 7JE
  1. Chestnut development – Quadrant Phase 6 & 7 – Put forward the following names:

Cotton Way - Rev John Cotton was the controversial vicar of St Botolph’s Church, he sailed across the Atlantic with the Pilgrims.

Banks Avenue - Sir Joseph Banks sailed with Capitan cook aboard the Endeavour on the first great voyage to discover Australia. He was Boston’s Town Clerk.

Robinson Drive - John Robinson, known as the ‘pastor to the Pilgrims’.

Jones Lane - Mayflower's Captain, Christopher Jones.

Wilson Grove – Part of Wallace’s crew (Wallace and Mercer have already been used in the street naming of The Quadrant development).


13. Next Meeting: Tuesday 13th December 2022, Monthly Parish Meeting

14. Any other matters for discussion on the next agenda












Item 10:

A:            Parthian Avenue – Cllr S Slater has drafted a letter to LHP regarding the land. - Annex B.

Re: Large grassed area, at the top of Parthian Avenue, Wyberton

There is a large grassed area at the top of Parthian Avenue in Wyberton that the Parish Council would like to take ownership of and convert into a centre/focal point to the village. 

We feel that Wyberton currently do not have a centre. This was originally for the church but this has now been “lost” as it sits on the other side of the A16 away from where the majority of the residents live, i.e., Parthian Avenue, West End Road, etc.

Wyberton Parish Council suggestions for developing this piece of land are:

  • Install a large children’s play area for the under 12’s. This would need to be a fenced area due to proximity to the road, along with some seating for families.
  • Plant a village Christmas tree which could be used as a focal point for carol singing, Santa visits, etc.
  • Erect a memorial feature for fallen service personnel as the village has no memorial for these victims at present. This would include seating for visitors and a village sign.

With this land being close to the Community Centre, various village activities could utilise both facilities on occasions for celebrations, national holidays, e.g., the Queen’s Jubilee this year.

Currently the grassed area is not maintained to a high standard and, due to its central location, does not project a good impression of the village as a whole. We believe developing this area to a high standard and maintaining it regularly to that standard, will reflect positively on the whole area, increasing local pride in the village. Therefore, maintenance of the completed development will be paramount in the future.

Please can you support Wyberton Parish Council’s request to take these plans forward.

We would also like to thank you for completing the work to the memorial ground near the Primary School.







Report from Wyberton Community Centre Committee held on Thursday 3rd November 2022. Annex A

1:   Notes from the last meeting: These Items are still work in progress –

  • Memorial Benches – Ongoing
  • Dishwasher installation – Isolator plug installed – Installation required
  • Lights around the Community centre – Now installed
  • Village crest (on main agenda)
  • Guttering – Work to begin mid-November – No date given
  • Warm hub – To start from 1st December – Have requested funding
  • Community centre signs – Clerk dealing
  • Water Butts - Clerk to deal
  • Calendar of events – On main agenda – 3 Year plan – Cllr S Slater to speak to the owner of The Pincushion, to see if they will host an event for councillors to engage with the community, aiming for 13th January 2023 to find out what the community want / suggestions. Councillors to speak to Cllr Jason Stevenson for a flyer.
  • First Impressions / Gate post removal – To arrange for the gate & post to be removed.
  • Area by the fence – The clerk to purchase weed killer, for the weeds & brambles that have started to grow by the fence.
  • Signage – Clerk dealing


2:         To discuss items relating to the community centre. 

  1. Having a working bar – Black Jack Bars – Councillor S Slater to speak to The Pincushion with regards to having a bar, instead of using someone outside of the community.
  1. Endeavour FM – Advertising will cease on 23rd November 2022, to carry on? – All councillors agreed for another 3 months of advertising, to find out if they would change the advertising for the Christmas in Wyberton event.
  1. Noticeboards – (On main agenda) Types required for each location – Cllr John Smith to confirm the size required for the coop wall, once confirmed the Clerk can order the board.
  1. Any other community centre business.
  1. Cllr H Ainsworth mentioned there are not enough bins for around the outside & inside of the community centre – The clerk to order bins.
  2. Cllr H Ainsworth, advised the clerk of lighting for the outside of the community centre, for events, Christmas, weddings etc. The clerk to order the festoon lighting.
  3. The clerk to look into prices for new chairs in the community centre & new tables for the meeting room.
  4. The internet, to speak with Cllr Jason Stevenson for prices on improving the internet in the building & rooms
  5. Heating, in the meeting room, to look into heat exchanges & to look at new heating system in the community centre & PGS.
  6. Road Closure: The clerk received an email with notification that the road closure was successful. The Clerk to look into Diversion, Road closure signs.