February 2021 Minutes
Minutes taken by the Clerk at the meeting of Wyberton Parish Council which was held on Tuesday 16th February 2021 via video conference [1]
Cllr. S. Ransome (Chairman), Cllr. R. Austin (Vice Chairman), Cllr. M. Sharp, Cllr. T. Abbott, Cllr. D. Ransome ALSO present was the Consultant Clerk Mrs. Victoria Clark and Cllr. Alison Austin who attended for part of the meeting
PUBLIC FORUM: [2] Started at 7.06pm
A resident spoke about litter picking in the area and had previously emailed details of the group and their activity.
This will be put on the March agenda
The meeting started at 7.13pm
- The Councils decision of planning application B/20/0235 was not minuted in the August 2020 minutes but was sent to the planning department at that time.
- An 8.30pm finish or sooner was requested
- APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting
- Non received
- The Chairman commented that she was sad to see Mr Bryan Reeves go and mentioned how he has been proactive in the community.
- Safer Together Team
- Members had received this
- Boston Rural West NPT Newsletter
- Members had been forwarded this by the Clerk
ACTION: The Clerk to forward to Cllr. R. Austin who did not see it & to Cllr. A. Austin who did not receive it from the
- The Clerk read out the 3 incidents sent by PCSO Williams with his apologies for not being able to attend
- DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST (if any) To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests
- None given
- NOTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGS HELD ON TUESDAY 19TH JANUARY 2021- To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
- On proposal from Cllr. Sharp and seconded by Cllr. Abbott, with no objections all resolved to accept the notes of the 19th January 2021 as a correct record of the meeting and gave permission for the Chairman to sign them
CHAIRMAN: ………………………………………………………….. DATED: …………………………………..
Cllr. A. Austin
- Due to the bad weather conditions, she had not been able to check the area for issues, but now it is better she will and also check that the issues reported previously have been completed
- The Budget meeting at the Borough is coming up and she will circulate the findings
- The question was asked as to why potholes that had been reported had not yet been dealt with and also a street light that is not working – The answer was given that the main road gets priority
Cllr. A. Austin left the meeting
- Approve payment of accounts
- On proposal from Cllr. Abbott and seconded by Cllr. Sharp, with no objections all resolved to approve the payments
- Budget update
- Previously received by all members and no questions were asked
- Bank mandate update
- The Chairman has been communicating with the local branch & has now filed a complaint, she will return to again try to sort out the issues
- Bank statement
- Previously received by all members and no questions were asked
- LALC subscription & training scheme
- It was agreed that the Council will renew their subscription for the Lincolnshire Association of Local Council and their training scheme both due on April 1st 2021 at £683.03 & £140 + VAT respectively
- Insurance
- To renew the Council insurance from April 1st with Zurich would be £585.68
ACTION: The Chairman will look into this
- PLANNING MATTERS – Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the Borough Council - To include those received between 11th and 17th November 2020
- B/21/0025 – Development of 3 dwellings at land to the rear of Walcot, Ralphs Lane, PE21 7AX
ACTION: The Clerk to inform the planning department of the comments & that there were no objections
- B/21/0039 - Approval of reserved matters for Phase 3 (Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale) following outline approval B/17/0317 (Hybrid outline application for residential development (up to 200 dwellings) at Land off Wyberton Low Road, PE21 7SF
ACTION: Cllr. R. Austin to send a report to The Clerk to forward to all Members for approval
- B/21/0511 - Application for approval of reserved matters Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale for the construction of 5 dwellings following the grant of outline planning permission for up to 200 dwellings (Ref: B/17/0317) at Land off Wyberton Low Road, Wyberton, Boston, PE21 7SF
ACTION: Cllr. R. Austin to send a report to The Clerk to forward to all Members for approval
The next planning applications came in late
- B/21/0056
ACTION: The Clerk to inform the planning department of the comments & that there were no objections
- B/20/0235
ACTION: Cllr. R. Austin to send a report to The Clerk to forward to all Members for approval
- Cuckoo Land presentation
- A virtual meeting has been arranged
- Bench
- A letter has been sent to the shop however no reply has been received
ACTION: The Chairman to phone
- Defibrillator
- Cllr. Sharp still not had an answer from the Dutch manufacturer regarding the price for the part needed and also not able to contact the charity at the Pilgrim Hospital
ACTION: Cllr. Sharp to keep pursuing these
CHAIRMAN: ………………………………………………………….. DATED: …………………………………..
- Parish Council - Wyberton United Charities Trust
ACTION: Cllr. Sharp to look into this
- Tytton Lane East B/20/0235
- Discussed during item 9
ACTION: Clerk to take off the agenda
- Climate change
ACTION: Cllr. R. Austin to send the Clerk a Climate change statement to be shared with all members
- Cllrs S & D Ransome have put up “No Smoking” signs around the concrete structure
- Painting
- The Chairman informed the members of problem areas in the hall that need addressing
- The painting of the storage area has started & looking good
- It was discussed and agreed that all areas need to be decorated while the hall is closed. On proposal from Cllr. R. Austin and seconded by Cllr. Abbott, with no objections all resolved to agree that the contractor would be agreed via email to speed the process.
ACTION: The Clerk to gain 3 quotes after the Chairman & Clerk have agreed what needs to be decorated
- Bookings
- Forward bookings were discussed
- Community Leaders Briefing – Thursday 4th February 2021 at 6.30pm
ACTION: Clerk to forward next invite to Cllrs. S. Ransome and Sharp for them to request being added to the email circulation list.
- Litter picking
ACTION: Clerk to send Grant policy to all members
ACTION: Clerk to write a Grant Application Form for approval/amendment at the next meeting
- It was agreed that for this year the Annual Parish Meeting would be held at 6pm before the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council on 18th May 2021
ACTION: Clerk to amend list and send to all that need it
- NEXT MEETING – 16th March 2021 at 7pm via Zoom video conferencing
CHAIRMAN: ………………………………………………………….. DATED: …………………………………..
[1] Video conference under “The Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority Meetings) (England) Regulations 2020
[2] Members of the public & press were invited to join the meeting by using the link or contacting the Clerk before 3pm on the day of the meeting.