November 2020 Minutes

Notes taken by the Clerk at the meeting of Wyberton Parish Council, which will be held on Tuesday 17 November via video conference.


Cllr. S. Ransome (Chairman), Cllr. R. Austin (Vice Chairman), Cllr. M. Sharp, Cllr. T. Abbott, Cllr. D. Ransome, Cllr. B. Reeves and the Consultant Clerk Mrs V Clark. Also present was Cllr. Alison Austin for part of the meeting.

Public forum:

No press or public attending

Chairman's remarks:

  • On the 1 November the chairman and Cllr. D. Ransome laid a wreath on behalf of the Parish Council and Residents of Wyberton. The names of the fallen in both World Wars were read out and the Reveille played.
  • The Chairman had asked a car owner using the Parish hall carpark as a place to eat lunch not to do this as it might unsettle lone workers at the hall.
  • The Chairman was made aware that the defibrillator was not working without the key, this was only available from the shop when it was open. Cllr. Sharp offered to look into this.


To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting

  • Apologies with reasons were received from Cllr. C. Mitchell. On proposal from Cllr. Sharp and seconded by Cllr. Austin, with no objections it was resolved to accept the reason given.

Police report

  • No report received

Declarations of interest (if any) - To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests

  • Cllr. Abbott and Cllr. Austin for item 9a

Notes of the parish council meetings held on Tuesday 20 October 2020 - To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes

  • On proposal from Cllr. Sharp and seconded by Cllr. Abbott, with no objections all resolved to accept the notes of the 20th October 2020 as a correct record of the meeting and gave permission for the Chairman to sign them

Lincolshire County and Boston Borough Councillors

Cllr. Alison Austin entered the meeting

  • Cllr. Alison Austin had kindly supplied notes of her report prior to the meeting for the members information
  • The road restrictions seem minor and there is signage
  • Fix My Street can be used by any member of the public to report highways issues –
  • The dead ash tree on Low Road has been assessed by LCC and the owner is to fell it
  • The extended hours of the former landfill site in Slippery Gowt Lane is only for a short period, they will be filling voids with clay etc. from other sites.


  • Approve payment of accounts

- The Members of the council had received a list of payments prior to the meeting totalling £864.15 - On proposal from Cllr. Sharp and seconded by Cllr. Abbott, with no objections all resolved to approve the payments

  • Bank Mandate update

- The Chairman updated the memb   

  • Internal auditor

- The Clerk had put forward two independent names and credentials to be internal auditors. On proposal from Cllr. Abbott and seconded by Cllr. Sharp, with no objections all resolved to approve Mr. J. Jackson and Mr. P. Cato as the independent Internal Auditors

  • Budget for precept 2021/2022

- The finance committee will meet to discuss and pass on recommendations at the full council meeting

Planning matters – Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the Borough Council - To include those received between 11th and 17th November 2020

  • B/20/0427 - Installation of 1 internally illuminated freestanding totem sign – Land between Swineshead Rd & Wortley’s Lane PE21 7JF

- The planning application has not yet been received for the building that this pertains to – All agreed that due to this an extension for this application should be asked for.

  • B/20/0428 - Installation of illuminated fascia signs x 6 – booth lettering signs x 3 & digital booth screen x 1 - Land between Swineshead Rd & Wortley’s Lane PE21 7JF

- The planning application has not yet been received for the building that this pertains to – All agreed that due to this an extension for this application should be asked for.

  • PL/0120/20 – LCC – Vary condition 5 of B/00/0139 – To extend working hours – Slippery Gowt Farm, Boston Borough Landfill Site, Slippery Gowt Lane

- No objections or comments were given

  • B/20/0411 – Proposed single carport at Lands End, new Hammond Beck Road, Wyberton, PE21 7JD

- No objections or comments were given

  • B/20/0429

- The planning application has not yet been received for the building that this pertains to – All agreed that due to this an extension for this application should be asked for.

  • B/20/0443

- The planning application has not yet been received for the building that this pertains to – All agreed that due to this an extension for this application should be asked for.

Clerk's report on outstanding matt   

  • Cuckoo Land

- All members thanked Cllr. Sharp for writing a report on this. The Clerk was asked to arrange a meeting with the borough to present the report.

  • Bench

- The Chairman has been assured that a replacement bench will be purchased and informed that the Spar shop will take over the supply of flowers twice yearly for the pots outside the shop

  • Parish Hall Cleaning Schedule & Government Schemes

- A schedule was drawn up and accepted by the user to keep the hall clean during lock downs or when the hall is open. This will be reviewed and amended as necessary. 

Correspondence and requests received

  • Parish Council Church Trustee

- This item should have read – Wyberton United Charities Trust and will be put on the next agenda

Next meeting – 15 December 2020 at 7pm via Zoom video conferencing.

The meeting closed at 8.30PM.